Monday, 17 December 2018

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 2

How to use these prompts

Who is this woman?
Where is she arriving at?
What is she running from/to?
What happens next?


  1. January 2 is National Science Fiction day - so write something with a science fiction theme.
  2. In 1900, Queen Victoria first wrote her famous "We are not amused" line. Write something about someone being distinctly unamused by something somebody else says or does.
  3. It's Run It Up The Flagpole and See If Anybody Salutes It day. So write a story involving a flag or a flag pole. Or even both.
  4. "Those people who think they know everything are annoying those of us who do." Isaac Asimov
  5. In 1869 the first traffic lights in the world, which were lit by gas, blew up. Write a story about a person who might have been affected by this event.

Character Names

Karina, Abel, Stephanie, Alexander, Alexandra, Lex, Alec, Alondra

Character Traits

  • Will go to any lengths to achieve their ambitions. This may well include underhand dealings, spreading rumours and even violence. Love, romance and a sex life may well be sacrificed too, if need be. On the plus side, they are capable of achieving much for the public good.
  • Taking advantage of the vulnerable is something they may do to achieve their ambitions, but this is what can cause their ultimate downfall if the truth comes out.
  • A restless nature and a fondness for travel and exploration.
  • An interest in anything to do with the East, in particular Turkey.
  • May be religious with a particular interest in ancient religions. They may be at odds with their family because of their beliefs.
  • Another thing which could get them into a sticky situation is experimenting with dangerous and edgy ways of reaching a higher state of being.
  • Appreciate simple natural beauty and harmony. More likely to collect art than to create it.
  • A tendency to burn their bridges behind them, but do so with confidence. They are brave, but will not take unnecessary risks.
  • May be secretly romantic and fond of children. They may come from a well respected family.
  • Will be tempted by the opposite sex, but will manage to escape any sex scandals.
  • Although kind and generous, they tend to be a bit superior and hard to get to know.

Possible Themes

The search for the meaning of life.
The ultimate sacrifice.
Man's inner strength; optimism, veracity.


A plough; a hissing snake; a brazier; a brown paper sack.

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