Monday, 31 December 2018

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 3

How to use these prompts

What is this cat thinking?
Where does it live?
Who are the people and where are they going?

  1. "Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate." JRR Tolkien
  2. Why were the ten lords leaping?
  3. In 1924, Howard Carter discovered the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun. Write a story including the boy king in some capacity, during his lifetime or after his death.
  4. In 1882, Oscar Wilde had "nothing to declare but my genius" when entering America. Write about someone entering another country who does have something to declare.
  5. In 1496, Leonardo da Vinci unsuccessfully tested a flying machine. Write an account from the point of view of someone who witnessed this.

Character Names

Elmer, Elmo, Benjamin, Vida, Daniel, Danielle, Dana, Dan, Danika, Genevieve, Alfred

Character Traits

  • Precise and accurate with a gift for getting straight to the point.
  • Impatient.
  • Gifted artists with a particular liking for landscapes.
  • Able to express themselves clearly in writing; good at mathematics.
  • Tend to be selfish and envious when young, but mellow and become more benevolent as they become successful.
  • Can be critical of others and be sarcastic, blunt and caustic.
  • Good at unmasking hypocrisy and make it their business to uncover fallacies in others' beliefs.
  • More likely to be admired and feared than liked.
  • Are not easily satisfied and do not always consider the feelings of others.
  • Inquisitive with a sharp, piercing intelligence.

Possible Themes

Permanent records; things written in stone. Inscriptions and carvings. Museums.
Invented languages.
Relics of ancient civilizations.
Art and sculpture.


An ancient granite carving; flowers; a harpsichord; a spear; beads carved from human bone.

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