Wednesday, 10 July 2019

A year of writing prompts: 10 July

How to use these prompts

Some people enjoying a day at the seaside.
What it their relationship to each other?
What happens next?


  1. "There is a great deal to be said for being dead." Edmund Clerihew
  2. In Chile, today is the Day of the Librarian. Write a story in which the protagonist is a librarian.
  3. It's Lady Godiva Day. She's the one who rode naked around Coventry after her husband said he would waive an unpopular tax if she did so. Write about someone who issues a challenge to someone else, not believing for a second they would actually do it - and then they do.
  4. Today's the day the teddy bears had their picnic.
  5. On the birthday of Nicola Tesla, write a story about a brilliant but eccentric scientist.

Character Names
Olivia, Arthur, Arturo, Walter, Wanda, Vanda, Amelia, Philip

Character Traits
  • Charmingly eccentric; live in a dream world. May have an obsession with madness or monstrosity.
  • Pleasure seekers who enjoy gambling. They may enjoy a lavish lifestyle which is beyond their means and suffer financial losses.
  • Will take and possess anything they can. In early life they value friends mainly for the extent they can contribute to their success. Will travel in search of material success.
  • Women may either be promiscuous or ascetics.
  • Original and inventive imaginations.
  • Generous and helpful to others but can be self-centred, too.
  • Interested in discovering their destiny and will consult oracles or explore invisible forces.
  • Easily manipulated by their parents. Highly susceptible to guilt, shame and self-doubt. May become a martyr for others and could be co-dependent.
  • Can be perceptive and reflective with high spiritual ideals, or can be reckless, cowardly and weak.
  • Danger from poisons, gas and chemicals. Possible use of narcotics.
  • May be affected by theft, embezzlement, rape, corruption of minors or murder.

Possible Themes
Attention to detail.
Repetitive cycles.

A hen with chicks; dice; a tiger; Mother Goose; glasses with thick lenses and heavy rims.

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