Sunday, 14 July 2019

A year of writing prompts: 23 July

How to use these prompts

A sweet old lady with a plate of cookies.
Or is she? Perhaps she is not all she seems.


  1. "Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean; who is neither tarnished nor afraid." Raymond Chandler
  2. It's Gorgeous Grandma Day. Your character is a glamorous grandmother. Does she embrace her grandma role, or resent it because it makes her feel old?
  3. It's also Private Eye Day. Write a story about a private detective.
  4. "The executioner, it seems, was partial to blondes." SS Van Dine
  5. The sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo. Write a story featuring a lion.

Character Names
Olga, Ada, Magda, Brigitta, Hayden, Bridget, Emma, Emmy

Character Traits
  • Have good artistic sense, leadership skills and business acumen, but don't always realise it.
  • They can drift through life without finding their true calling, but in the right conditions can achieve great things. Their destiny is connected to the community in which they live.
  • May inherit material created by someone else and pass it off as their own.
  • May be vain and concerned about their looks.
  • Often more popular with the opposite sex than with their own.
  • May have had a difficult early life.
  • Uncertain, nervous and lacking in confidence. They vacillate in their opinions, affected by the prevailing views of those around them. Tend to be tossed by the wind.
  • May be unreliable and a bit of a wanderer.
  • Inclined to gain weight.
  • Generally quiet and productive.
  • May be suspicious and superstitious.
  • Their problems may multiply with alarming speed.
  • Love home life, but a tendency towards lust and being secretive may make marriage difficult.
  • Prone to mood swings.
  • Danger related to the sea and water. Possible shipwreck.
  • Prone to infections, rashes and skin problems. However they have a tendency towards hypochondria and obsession with their health.

Possible Themes
Dizziness and disorientation.
Victory over life or the self.
Sudden rage or embarrassment.


A lion's head; an obelisk; a document; a rock; sunrise.

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