Thursday, 11 July 2019

A year of writing prompts: 11 July

How to use these prompts

Shenanigans at a local fete.
What is happening here?
What happens next?


  1. Today is the feast day of St Benedict, patron saint of cavers. Write a story about someone who is exploring a cave.
  2. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” William Ernest Henley
  3. There ain't no cure for the summertime blues.
  4. In 1859, Charles Dickens published A Tale of Two Cities. Write a story where the action takes place in two cities. Which two cities is entirely up to you.
  5. On the birthday of Robert the Bruce, write a story about someone who is on the verge of giving up, but is inspired to keep going.

Character Names
Olga, Nora, Nellie, Ellie, Eleanora, Lilli, Leonora, Sven, Koby, Jocelyn, Pelagia, Benedict, Eleanor

Character Traits
  • Gallant and patriotic with strong ties to their families.
  • They may be born into a family which has connections with the military or music. If not, they may develop an interest in these things and make a career in one of those fields. They may become an opera singer, conductor or play in an orchestra. Other career paths may be science, acting or business.
  • Patriotic with civil courage and a sense of justice.
  • Fair to others and have the ability to combine force with gentleness.
  • Distinguished in appearance. Pompous and protective.
  • Love history, study and collecting.
  • Noble, refined and self-willed.
  • Will complete the goals they set themselves.
  • Dislike being controlled or having to explain what motivates them.
  • Profound thinkers who do not get bogged down with details.
  • Gentle yet irritable; can be quick-tempered at times; mixture of playfulness and gravity.
  • More likely to perform the work of others than create their own art.
  • Love and sensuality are very important to them. Need to seduce and captivate.
  • Talent for bringing the different facets of life together.
  • Danger from chemicals, poisons or gas.
  • Arranged marriages may feature in their life.

Possible Themes
Odd couples.
Weddings; sacred vows.
Atomic energy.


A flute; a violin; a spear; an opossum; an old book.

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