Sunday, 14 July 2019

A year of writing prompts: 14 July

How to use these prompts

Boats in a harbour.
Write about one or more of them.
Where have they been?
Where are they going?


  1. It's Bastille Day. Write a story with a French theme.
  2. In America, any boy may become President and I suppose that is just one of the risks he takes.” Adlai Stevenson
  3. It's Pandemonium Day. Write about a situation where all hell has broken loose.
  4. In 1868, the tape measure was patented. Write a story in which something is being measured.
  5. In 1965, the Mariner space probe took pictures of a rock formation on Mars which looked like a human face. Let's imagine it isn't just a rock formation but a structure of a human face that was left there by someone, or something. Who made it and why?

Character Names
Carolina, Alicia, Nicodemus, Stella, Loretta, Marjorie, Otis, Otto, Camille

Character Traits
  • Intelligent and good at sports.
  • May have an interest in natural laws and science, in particular waves or astronomy. Physics or astronomy are possible career paths.
  • Usually successful but may suffer from unexpected setbacks at the peak of their career. They have the ambition and skill to bounce back from these.
  • May start life in a lowly position.
  • Old age will be happy.
  • Love their homes, but their home is as likely to be filled with friends as with family.
  • Close connection with their mothers.
  • Love travelling, especially on water. However, there is a risk of problems caused by water such as floods or even drowning in mid-life.
  • Have a fear of taking risks which can make them fretful and bad-tempered.
  • Fussy and showy, with a liking for superficial things.
  • Enjoy city life.
  • Have a liking for perfumes.
  • Talkative.
  • There's a possibility they will die for their country.
  • May be energy vampires who sap the vitality of others.
  • Tendency to pine for the unattainable.

Possible Themes
Longing; waiting.
Boats and tides.
Music and poetry.

A mountain; a hothouse full of exotic flowers; glass and tinsel ornaments; mud; watercress; a beach; a sailboat.

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