Friday, 5 July 2019

A year of writing prompts: 5 July

How to use these prompts

Who is this woman?
Tell her story.


  1. In 1777, a woman was convicted of disguising herself as a man, marrying three rich women and stealing from them. Your character disguises him or herself as the opposite gender in order to commit a crime.
  2. It's Workaholics Day. Write a story in which the protagonist is a workaholic.
  3. I want to be a clone. Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, was born in 1996. Write a story featuring clones. Any species you like, including human.
  4. We must believe in luck, for how else can we explain the success of people we don't like?” Jean Cocteau
  5. It's Anxiety day. Your character is anxious about something.

Character Names
Cyril, Edna, Esmerelda, Carolina, Philomena, Xavier, Aileen, Antony, Grace, Zoe

Character Traits
  • Like to be busy and are often workaholics, sparing little time for themselves. Have a tendency to avoid pain by throwing themselves in to their work.
  • Can be relied on to get things done in spite of their indecisiveness.
  • Analyse everything deeply.
  • Enthusiastic, willing to try new things.
  • Can be restless with a need for excitement.
  • Negative thinking can make them ill.
  • May work with animals, plants or the elderly; or possibly in the history or antiques field.
  • May be hoarders or collectors.
  • Love water.
  • Emotional and sensitive.
  • Can be blindly optimistic and thus take financial risks.
  • Not afraid of the consequences of speaking the truth.
  • Expect high moral standards from their partners.
  • May appear aloof and unapproachable, but this is to protect themselves. They need emotional involvement.
  • Much admired but may still be lonely.

Possible Themes
Promotion of visions.


Yellow rose; currants; a bikini; a scarecrow; a park.

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