Tuesday, 31 December 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 31 December

How to use these prompts

Write a story featuring this waterfall.


  1. Write about the ending of something.
  2. On January 1st, a group of friends declared to one another what they wanted to achieve in the coming year. Now it's December 31st and they are meeting again to compare notes about whether or not they succeeded.
  3. "An optimist stays up till midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves." Bill Vaughan
  4. A housewife is dreading the new year's eve party she traditionally hosts every year.
  5. A couple argue about the new year resolutions each thinks the other should make.

Character Names
Sylvester, Geneva, Genevieve, Melania, Mario, Donna

Character Traits
  • Strong willed and likely to be successful in business. While they will achieve much in their own right, their human qualities will earn them the protection and help of powerful people as they work their way up.
  • Appreciate beauty in art, and have rich, exuberant and colourful tastes.
  • Reserved and self-reliant, to the extent of being taciturn.
  • Tell this character a secret and they will keep it. They will respect confidentiality and may well be in a position of trust and responsibility, such as a high ranking civil servant, judge or politician.
  • Good leaders with the ability to direct a group and hold it together. They have an almost uncanny ability to get people to conform and do as they are told; but there is a dark side. They have a tendency to use people and cast them aside when they are no longer useful. Another thing they might do is use another person's weakness against them so if things go wrong, the other person will get the blame.
  • Fond of horses and horsemanship. If they're not in law or politics then horse dealer is another potential career.
  • Good memory.
  • Attractive and flirtatious - may give mixed signals to potential partners.
  • Are actually quite greedy and grasping but generally manage to hide this fact.
  • There may be someone who is jealous of them and willing to resort to underhand means to get at them. This may include theft of confidential documents.

Possible Themes
Responsibilities, duties, obligations.
Large houses, estates, aristocracy.
Science fiction and surrealism


Pheasants; a sealed scroll; petticoats; a king; horses; an armed man riding a lion.

Monday, 30 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 30 December

How to use these prompts

Who is this snowboarder?
What adventures might she have on the slopes?
What does she do for apres ski?


  1. You Broke my Heart in Seventeen Places.
  2. "For the female of the species is more deadly than the male." Rudyard Kipling
  3. Your character made a New Year's Resolution back in January that s/he would achieve something this year - and realises s/he only has one more day left in which to do it.
  4. In 1966, the Monkees first appeared on TV. The recruitment ad to find them had read, "Wanted, a quartet of hip, insane, folk oriented rock and rollers, 17-21 with the courage to work." That same ad just appeared again. Who applies this time?
  5. The anniversary of the day wearing masks at balls was outlawed in Boston. Write a story about a masked ball.

Character Names
David, Davis, Sabina, Kali, Dawson, Dewey, Dave

Character Traits
  • Sensitive, moody and melancholic. Tendency to be pessimistic and gloomy.
  • This character will always stick up for the underdog and is very protective of their home, family and country. This could lead to heroic deeds, or altruism, making a career out of working with the underprivileged. Or, on the darker side, they could be militant or extremist. Either way, their passion could lead them into trouble.
  • Good providers for their family, whether financially or as hunters.
  • Have a sense of fair play and sportsmanship. However, they won't rule out stepping in and taking advantage of another person's mistakes.
  • Seek emotional connections with other people. Tendency to be sentimental.
  • They won't do well in a career unless they have a passion for it and it offers them a challenge. May be nurses, doctors, as this brings out their protective, nurturing side.
  • Another career they could follow is that of astronomer, discovering distant stars, or some sort of research into the occult.
  • On the one hand, they are well-suited to careers involving night work, but on the other, it is in the hours of night that they may face their greatest challenges and dangers.
  • Have a fear of intimacy.
  • Strangers and strange places make them nervous.

Possible Themes
Environmental issues, nature and natural remedies. 
Conspiracy theories.


An albatross; two owls; an old armoury; blood; a boat.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 29 December

How to use these prompts

Write a story featuring this tree.


  1. "The art of hospitality is to make guests feel at home when you wish they were." Donald Coggan
  2. In 1992, a couple were arrested at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago because they had left their children home alone. Your characters are children who have been left home alone, by accident or design. What do they do? Do they cope? What happens when the parents or guardians return?
  3. Thomas Becket was murdered at the altar of Canterbury Cathedral on this date in 1170. Write a story about a serious crime which takes place within a church or cathedral. Or a mosque, synagogue or temple, if you prefer.
  4. Five Gold Rings.
  5. Ice Skating Day and Bowling Day are both celebrated today. Write a story featuring ice skating and/or bowling.

Character Names
Judith, Tamara, Tyson, Gayle, Abigail, Dominic, Thomas, Abel, Seth

Character Traits
  • Restless, with a quick mind and many interests. They may find it hard to concentrate on just one, but if they do, will work hard and be willing to suffer to fulfil their dreams.
  • They will have lots of ideas for business start-ups or better ways of doing things, but poor judgement and bad decisions can hamper their progress.
  • They may suffer a string of disappointments and failures, and tend to see each one as an insurmountable tragedy. Ultimately, however, their achievements will outlive them, even if they do not live to enjoy their success.
  • Drawn to fantasy and history, which could include an interest in genealogy. They may also be drawn to writing as a career, especially in the fantasy genre.
  • Can be impatient and abrupt, but also have a sense of fun and enjoy life's pleasures. This can mean a tendency to over-indulge.
  • They may suffer problems with their sight, or paralysis.

Possible Themes
Loss and hardship.
Messages from spirit.


An angel; a harp; a wayside cross; a broken key; a crown

Friday, 27 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 28 December

How to use these prompts

Who is this?
Tell his story.


  1. "With great power comes great responsibility." Stan Lee
  2. It's National Quilters Day. Write about intrigue and gossip at a quilt-making circle.
  3. Today is Holy Innocents' Day. or Childermass, commemorating the slaughter of baby boys by King Herod. Write a story connected to this event.
  4. In 1987, a woman in Cyprus got stuck in a lift for six days. Your characters get stuck in a lift.
  5. It's that time between Christmas and New Year. What do your characters do to stave off boredom? Perhaps they have gone back to work and it is either deathly quiet in their workplace or insanely busy.

Character Names
Pia, Camilla, Inga, Jonathan, Burton, Cassie, Ivana, Raquel, Benjamin

Character Traits
  • Kind, loving and compassionate with a good understanding of other people. They can be critical, however.
  • Although they want a home and family, they are loners who need time alone in order to absorb themselves in intellectual, creative or spiritual pursuits. They may find interaction with other people tedious and boring at times.
  • Their ideal career is one where they can work alone and be creative.
  • They may have suffered disappointments in love or friendship, despite their loyal natures.
  • Tend to be pessimistic and to become more so as they grow older.
  • Able to be content with little.
  • Drawn to escapism and romance, and also futuristic ideas and concepts.
  • Cautious.

Possible Themes
Controlled strength.
Time; rhythms of day and night.


A caged bird; an empty cradle; an eagle; a snake charmer.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 27 December

How to use these prompts

Write a story about this puppy.
Perhaps he is making sense of his new home,
having been given to someone as a Christmas present.

  1. "To lose your prejudices you must travel." Marlene Dietrich
  2. It's Visit The Zoo Day. Write a story about a trip to the zoo.
  3. The world's first cat show was held in 1871. Write a story about a crime committed at a cat show. If you don't like cats, make it a dog show or rabbit show or whatever animal you like.
  4. In 1975, Heather O'Rourke, child actress was born. Her untimely death at the age of 12 was attributed by some to a curse on the Poltergeist series of films she starred in. Write a story about a film set which is haunted or cursed.
  5. It's National Fruitcake Day. Your story can feature either the kind of fruitcake people eat, or someone who is nutty as one. Or, indeed, both of the above.

Character Names
Lamont, Goldie, Johannes, Jan, Philomena

Character Traits
  • Always seem to attract rivals, from their school days onwards. Likely to be involved in feuds.
  • Their tendency to become strongly attached to things or people may result in them being possessive and jealous.
  • Will go to any lengths to get what they want.
  • Fond of riddles and enigmas, they may be attracted to a career which involves investigating mysteries or solving problems.
  • Tendency to be eccentric and be carried away by foolish whims.
  • If female, they will be witty and charming, attractive to men to the extent that men will risk anything to win them, even their lives. She will have several suitors and will have no qualms about twisting them all around her little finger.
  • If male, they may get involved in political intrigue, usually connected in some way with a woman.
  • Believe they have a right to do as they please.
  • May have a mild disability and/or a tendency to depression.
  • Fond of beauty and culture.
  • Have good memories and pay attention to detail.
  • Capable of being domineering bullies.

Possible Themes
Male rivalry, jealousy, infidelity.


The Sphinx; a maze; a harp with broken strings; a heart pierced with a nail; a satyr; a pond; statuettes; needles

A year of Writing Prompts: 26 December

How to use these prompts

What are these guys fighting about?
Who wins?
Who are the people trying to stop them?


  1. It's Boxing Day, traditionally the day when servants got their presents, and leftover food was distributed to the poor. Your character is a servant in a big house. The gift they find in their Boxing Day Box turns out to be life-changing.
  2. It's also the traditional start of the pantomime season. Try your hand at writing the outline of a plot for a new pantomime. It can be based on a story not hitherto given the panto treatment - a modern classic, perhaps, or a modernisation of a traditional panto tale. Make it as camp and daft as you possibly can!
  3. "In waking a tiger, use a long stick." Mao Tse Tung
  4. Born in 1917 was Rose Mary Woods, who was Richard Nixon's secretary during the Watergate scandal. She was fiercely loyal to him, the the extent of taking responsibility for erasing some of the Watergate tapes. Your character is a secretary to a politician or company director who is involved in some kind of wrong-doing or corruption. What does the secretary do when they discover what is going on? Do they blow the whistle or become complicit?
  5. It is the morning after a disastrous family Christmas get together. There is no public transport so nobody can leave.

Character Names
Emmanuel, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steve, Esteban

Character Traits
  • Will have one passion in life to which they are utterly devoted and for which they will sacrifice anything. This can result in either extreme altruism or extreme selfishness if their passion happens to be themselves.
  • They may, due to the above trait, be the ones who will succeed where everyone else has failed.
  • Will suffer disappointments in life through being too trusting.
  • When their love is unrequited they become jealous or even violent. They will be at a loss to understand why the one they love does not love them.
  • Hard workers with a practical bent, but can be easily distracted with a tendency to daydream.
  • Make dependable partners and parents. Will be devoted to their family, excellent breadwinners. Will always defend and protect those close to them.
  • A little shy, possibly eccentric, but nevertheless courageous.
  • A fear of the unknown.
  • Things likely to cause them problems are blockages, obstructions, and getting lost.

Possible Themes
Journeys into the unknown.
Thresholds, entrances, gateways.

Ten logs; puppies; a shepherd; a wolf; a butcher; a forest; a star; an ancient gold scarab.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 25 December

How to use these prompts

Twin Santas!
Are they working together or competing against each other?
Who lives in the house behind them?


  1. Bah! Humbug! Your character is someone who hates Christmas but is forced by family/friends/society to celebrate it anyway.
  2. Write about a totally unexpected Christmas gift.
  3. "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." Charles Schultz
  4. In 1914, there was an impromptu cease fire when German and British soldiers came out of their trenches, wished each other merry Christmas, shook hands, shared food and even played football together. Sadly, they all went back to killing each other the next day. Write a story based around this event. One possibility is to speculate on how history might have changed if, the following day, those same soldiers had refused to go back to shooting at their new found friends.
  5. Write an account of the Nativity story from someone (or something, such as an animal) who witnessed it first hand.

Character Names
Eugenia, Stella, Larissa, Jesus, Anastasia, Stacy, Noel, Noelle

Character Traits
  • People born on this day cannot see spirits.
  • Always willing to open their hearts and their homes and help those in need. However, they risk those they help taking advantage of them.
  • Although hospitable, they can get lost in their own thoughts and appear to be isolated even at their own party.
  • Generous towards others but practice austerity for themselves. Likewise they can be hard on themselves while showing compassion towards others.
  • Self sufficient and happy to work alone.
  • Interested in science.
  • May have some kind of unusual, eccentric or unconventional interests.
  • Dislike pettiness and unnecessary social conventions.
  • Unlikely to be prejudiced against any race or religion.
  • Take decisive and uncompromising action against anything which gets in their way.
  • Arguments and road rage could prove to be their downfall.

Possible Themes
Hospitality, generosity.
Sense of hearing.
Team spirit.


Two open doors; a house; a tower with a small window; two tall trees; a cemetery; a canoe.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 24 December

How to use these prompts

What is happening at this Christmas party?


  1. Write a story about Santa Claus and his mission to deliver presents to every child in the world on this night. Perhaps this year something goes horribly wrong. Perhaps one child manages to stay awake and actually have a conversation with Father Christmas. You might want to write the story from the point of view of Santa himself, Mrs Claus, or one of the reindeer.
  2. Christmas Eve is full of traditions - some people open their presents now rather than on Christmas Day. Many people go to church in the evening. There are traditions too numerous to list about predicting who you'll marry, the behaviour of animals, and so on. Perhaps your family has a quirky Christmas Eve ritual of its own. Write about it.
  3. Ghosts never appear on Christmas Eve. Or do they?
  4. Your character still hasn't got a present for their significant other. Write about their last minute dash to find the perfect gift.
  5. "No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end." Stephenie Meyer

Character Names
Adam, Eve, Eva, Evie, Evelyn, Evelina, Eugene

Character Traits
  • Have lots of will-power, concentration and endurance. Will sacrifice pleasure for duty. However, if no such sacrifice is required there is a danger they will overspend on creature comforts.
  • Fond of ornaments and art.
  • Tend to prefer the company of the opposite sex to that of their own.
  • Perfectionists who like things to be clean and accurate.
  • Depending on their background, they could become spiritual guides or teachers, or arch criminals.
  • An interest in the occult could lead them to dangerous places.
  • Back seat drivers.
  • Cautious and conservative but may have a fondness for moderate gambling.
  • Warm hearted big brother or big sister type.

Possible Themes
Fascination with the forbidden or unknown.
Shamanism, magic.
Co-ordination in order to reach a goal.
Setting off on an adventure.


A lamp; a vestal virgin; two keys; the planet Venus; footprints in the snow; butterflies; a mysterious black chest.

Monday, 23 December 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 23 December

How to use these prompts

A couple steals a kiss at Christmas.
Who are they?
Does the kiss lead to anything more?


  1. The Carol Singers.
  2. "Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won't make it white." Bing Crosby
  3. "A Holiday for the Rest of Us."
  4. In 1987, Santa Claus was granted an audience with the Pope. Write about what they may have discussed. If you prefer, you can take another fictitious figure and give them an audience with the Pope. Or the Queen, if you prefer.
  5. Take a Christmas song, traditional or modern, and write the story behind it.

Character Names
Victoria, Tori, Mina, Jared, Jarrod, Addison

Character Traits
  • Robust and strong, able to fight off illnesses.
  • Relatively few enemies, and relatively few obstacles to happiness. Those they have are easily overcome. However, they often feel they have things too easy and something is bound to go wrong sooner or later, which conversely makes their life more difficult than it should be.
  • Tend to be wary and mistrusting of others.
  • Want to impress people with their social position.
  • Get frustrated because they cannot please all of the people all of the time.
  • Good sense of timing and knowing when to take action to get what they want.
  • Fond of horses and riding.
  • Tendency to feel isolated and socially withdrawn.

Possible Themes
Openness, eagerness.
Attraction and repulsion.
Convictions and beliefs.
Being confronted with what you most seek to run away from; karma.
Spiritual re-birth.


A snake; a chandelier; a dragon tree; a throne; a beacon; pepper; a human soul seeking embodiment.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

A year of writing prompts: 22 December

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?
How come there are a whole bunch of Santas swarming up this building?


  1. Winter is here!
  2. "It's not so much which road you take, as how you take it." Charles de Lint
  3. Your character has been given the task of distributing gifts and/or food parcels to the poor families in their community.
  4. Write about an office Christmas party.
  5. In 2010, the zebra crossing in Abbey Road, the one the Beatles were photographed on, was given listed status. Write a story featuring either a zebra crossing, or something unusual getting listed status.

Character Names
Simon, Anastasia, Raphael, Donald, Leanne, Josh, Joshua, Honor, Adele, Nathaniel, Natalia

Character Traits
  • Intense, determined and mature with a piercing insight.
  • Their intelligence, adaptability and initiative will get them to responsible positions, but their success doesn't always last because there will be former friends who are jealous of their success.
  • Their weaknesses are indecisiveness and procrastination, so it may take them a while to decide what they want from life and may miss some great opportunities.
  • Don't always finish what they start.
  • People who will see a way to improve things, and don't hesitate to implement it.
  • Their careers and love lives don't always go smoothly. There could even be danger associated with their work or their relationships.

Possible Themes
Innate gifts and talents.
Teaching, study.
Historical records.

Three rose coloured windows in a Gothic church, one is damaged; a weathercock; a reed; a gold plated wisdom tooth; a revolving disc of light.