Sunday, 15 December 2019

A year of writing prompts: 16 December

How to use these prompts

Write about what happens at this party.


  1. "Reality is what won't go away when you stop believing in it." Philip K Dick
  2. Today is the day when by tradition, people start baking mince pies. Your character is doing just that - but perhaps the circumstances are unusual, and/or something goes horribly wrong.
  3. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic." Arthur C Clarke
  4. The world's most expensive practical joke ended today in 2005. It had cost £4.5 million to play. Twelve gullible people were recruited for a reality show in which they were told they'd been selected to train to become the first space tourists. They were told their training would take place in Russia; but their plane flew in circles for four hours before landing in Suffolk and they were taken to an elaborate set. The winners were put into a simulator and really thought they were in space until the blinds on the "shuttle" were raised to show their families and friends waving from them on the ground outside. Write about an extremely complicated and/or expensive practical joke. At what point do the victims realise they're being had? What if the joke becomes real (for example, the jokers decide to stage a zombie apocalypse and then it really happens)?
  5. Silent night; holy night. Write about a night which is neither silent nor holy.

Character Names
Albina, Garland, Aida, Astor, Alvine

Character Traits
  • Work well as part of a team and establish good rapport with others. They will be popular with their peers, and also attract the favour of their boss or a powerful person who will protect/mentor them.
  • Calm, patient and persistent, they take hardships in their stride.
  • Will be successful in their career but wealth may pass them by as they tend to take on extra work and not ask for payment.
  • May age prematurely.
  • Pick things up easily without having to study too hard.
  • Tendency to flirt with the dark side.
  • May enjoy gambling.
  • Fond of home and domestic life.
  • Danger of disgrace and legal problems - may spend time in prison.

Possible Themes
Independence; freedom.
Over-arching structures and principles.
Crossing water.


A camel; a turtle; a splendid old bridge; a funeral; a witch's ritual dagger; a crocodile infested moat.

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