Friday, 27 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 28 December

How to use these prompts

Who is this?
Tell his story.


  1. "With great power comes great responsibility." Stan Lee
  2. It's National Quilters Day. Write about intrigue and gossip at a quilt-making circle.
  3. Today is Holy Innocents' Day. or Childermass, commemorating the slaughter of baby boys by King Herod. Write a story connected to this event.
  4. In 1987, a woman in Cyprus got stuck in a lift for six days. Your characters get stuck in a lift.
  5. It's that time between Christmas and New Year. What do your characters do to stave off boredom? Perhaps they have gone back to work and it is either deathly quiet in their workplace or insanely busy.

Character Names
Pia, Camilla, Inga, Jonathan, Burton, Cassie, Ivana, Raquel, Benjamin

Character Traits
  • Kind, loving and compassionate with a good understanding of other people. They can be critical, however.
  • Although they want a home and family, they are loners who need time alone in order to absorb themselves in intellectual, creative or spiritual pursuits. They may find interaction with other people tedious and boring at times.
  • Their ideal career is one where they can work alone and be creative.
  • They may have suffered disappointments in love or friendship, despite their loyal natures.
  • Tend to be pessimistic and to become more so as they grow older.
  • Able to be content with little.
  • Drawn to escapism and romance, and also futuristic ideas and concepts.
  • Cautious.

Possible Themes
Controlled strength.
Time; rhythms of day and night.


A caged bird; an empty cradle; an eagle; a snake charmer.

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