Monday, 30 December 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 30 December

How to use these prompts

Who is this snowboarder?
What adventures might she have on the slopes?
What does she do for apres ski?


  1. You Broke my Heart in Seventeen Places.
  2. "For the female of the species is more deadly than the male." Rudyard Kipling
  3. Your character made a New Year's Resolution back in January that s/he would achieve something this year - and realises s/he only has one more day left in which to do it.
  4. In 1966, the Monkees first appeared on TV. The recruitment ad to find them had read, "Wanted, a quartet of hip, insane, folk oriented rock and rollers, 17-21 with the courage to work." That same ad just appeared again. Who applies this time?
  5. The anniversary of the day wearing masks at balls was outlawed in Boston. Write a story about a masked ball.

Character Names
David, Davis, Sabina, Kali, Dawson, Dewey, Dave

Character Traits
  • Sensitive, moody and melancholic. Tendency to be pessimistic and gloomy.
  • This character will always stick up for the underdog and is very protective of their home, family and country. This could lead to heroic deeds, or altruism, making a career out of working with the underprivileged. Or, on the darker side, they could be militant or extremist. Either way, their passion could lead them into trouble.
  • Good providers for their family, whether financially or as hunters.
  • Have a sense of fair play and sportsmanship. However, they won't rule out stepping in and taking advantage of another person's mistakes.
  • Seek emotional connections with other people. Tendency to be sentimental.
  • They won't do well in a career unless they have a passion for it and it offers them a challenge. May be nurses, doctors, as this brings out their protective, nurturing side.
  • Another career they could follow is that of astronomer, discovering distant stars, or some sort of research into the occult.
  • On the one hand, they are well-suited to careers involving night work, but on the other, it is in the hours of night that they may face their greatest challenges and dangers.
  • Have a fear of intimacy.
  • Strangers and strange places make them nervous.

Possible Themes
Environmental issues, nature and natural remedies. 
Conspiracy theories.


An albatross; two owls; an old armoury; blood; a boat.

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