Saturday, 14 December 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 14 December

How to use these prompts

How much are the doggies in the window?
Who buys them?
Tell the story.


  1. Write a story about a gingerbread man.
  2. "When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it." Margaret Chase Smith
  3. The Priest's Burden.
  4. In 1810, the strongest tornado ever to occur in Britain took place. Write a story about a severe tornado happening in Britain. How do the Brits respond to this unusual crisis?
  5. Agatha Christie was found at a health spa after famously going missing for days. Write a story in which a missing person turns up alive and well. Have they changed in any way? Why did they disappear?

Character Names
Alfred, Ingrid, Gordon, Isodore, Sten, Stig

Character Traits
  • Elegant in appearance with long legs and nimble fingers.
  • Will excel in activities involving dexterity, be it handling weapons or playing musical instruments. Have a sense of rhythm.
  • Have a talent for imitating others.
  • Enjoy sports and physical pleasures.
  • They are warm, sympathetic and playful. People like them and they make friends easily.
  • They can be secretive, so their friends may never know them fully.
  • Are involved in lots of different activities and have a completely different set of friends in each one, but nonetheless manage to achieve a workable life balance.
  • Concerned with appearances.
  • Can be hot headed and demanding.
  • Will have numerous romances which will not always end well. Trouble likely to be caused by the opposite sex.
  • Idealistic with a religious faith and/or a social conscience.
  • Good at solving difficult problems.

Possible Themes
Illusion; magic.
Dreaming, visualising and creating.


A flag bearer; a juggler; a dog face mask; sticks; a see-saw; a pyramid; a giant.

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