Saturday, 21 December 2019

A year of writing promts: 21 December

How to use these prompts

Who is this skier thinking of as he races?
Does he win?


  1. It's the festival of Yule, the longest night of the year. Your characters celebrate this, either in addition to, or instead of, Christmas. How do they celebrate?
  2. It's Underdog Day. Write about an underdog who bites back.
  3. It's National Flashlight Day. Write a story which features a torch.
  4. "What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens." Benjamin Disraeli
  5. Today is traditionally the day to put up your Christmas tree. Bearing in mind that about a thousand people end up in A and E every year with Christmas Tree related injuries, write a comedy piece about a couple putting up their tree. They needn't end up in A and E - but it's possible.

Character Names
Natalie, Thomas, Tom, Tommy, Ivy, Carlton

Character Traits
  • May have two occupations, or lead a double life in some way.
  • Self-possessed and confident.
  • There is one other person in their life with whom they have a deep and unshakeable bond. This may be their marriage partner, but it could equally be a sibling, perhaps a twin, a business partner, a friend, a partner in crime or a lover of either gender.
  • Have a keen sense of justice and equal rights. They may act as a link or go between between two groups or nations.
  • Adaptable and helpful.
  • Have a gift for perceiving the feelings and true motivations of others.
  • Need constant validation.
  • Do not easily accept opposing points of view.
  • Love the simple things in life.

Possible Themes
Union, understanding.
Confidence and personal power.


Identical twins; a canopy bed with curtains; a Native American chief; a rocky eminence.

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