Saturday, 10 August 2019

A year of writing prompts: 10 August

How to use these prompts

Who is this man?
What made him decide to get so many tattoos?
What is the significance of them?


  1. In 1997 a grandmother, Romona Safont, was offered a hot air balloon ride on her 100th birthday by her family - on the condition she gave up her original request - to go paragliding. Your character is approaching their 100th birthday and want to do something wacky, unconventional or even dangerous to celebrate. His or her family, and/or the staff of the old people's home don't approve.
  2. In 2003, Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko became the first person to marry in space. Write a story about a wedding which takes place in space. It could be on a current space station, by Skype to someone on Earth; or both may be present in space. Or it could be on a futuristic space station in which case, do some guests travel from Earth? Or the ceremony could even take place during a space walk.
  3. The National Hobo Convention takes place in Iowa at around this time. Write a story set during a national convention for tramps.
  4. It's World Lion Day. Write a story featuring a lion.
  5. "About the time we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." Herbert Hoover

Character Names
Laurie, Lassie, Hailey, Halley, Diego, Boris, Lawrence, Lars

Character Traits
  • Interested in ancient myths and religion; also in scientific research on light and rays.
  • Broad general knowledge.
  • Bright and creative, not necessarily intellectual. Their methods can be somewhat unorthodox.
  • Capable worker in any business; may earn admiration for their humanitarian work.
  • Possible careers include pilot, author, politician, scientist, chemist or instructor.
  • Good organisers who are capable of leading a double life, or managing two completely different projects at the same time.
  • Often good looking. Neat in appearance, and also take good care of their possessions and environment.
  • Conservative, critical and precise. May fear taking risks.
  • Popular and sought after, but seldom understood.
  • Patient with the ability to work hard on difficult problems for a long time. Success more likely in later life when steady, plodding efforts finally pay off.
  • Can be lazy and self-centred, driven by a desire for luxury.
  • Tendency to worry and become depressed.
  • May alternate between generosity and selfishness. 
  • Danger from polluting chemicals.

Possible Themes
Opening and closing; the start and end of the day.
Deep mysteries of the everyday world.
Experiments; testing things.


A key; a mirror; a gold mine; a metal unknown to modern science; a budding rose bush.

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