Monday, 5 August 2019

A year of writing prompts: 6 August

How to use these prompts

Write a story about this garden.
Is it a secret or magical garden?
What might be kept in the summerhouse and shed?
Who comes here?


  1. "He makes no friends who never made a foe." Alfred Lord Tennyson
  2. On the birthday of Andy Warhol, write about someone enjoying their allotted 15 minutes of fame.
  3. On this date in both 1817 and 1848, there were reported sightings of sea serpents. Write a story featuring a sea monster.
  4. In 1889 London's Savoy Hotel opened. Your story takes place in an exclusive hotel.
  5. Today is the feast of everything green except money. Write a story about the colour green - a world where everything is green, a colour-blind person who cannot see green (or only sees green); a person obsessed with the colour green; a green object or animal.

Character Names
Berta, Bettina, Carolina, Hector, Holly. Jacob, Josephina

Character Traits
  • More likely to be spiritual or artistic than practical.
  • Intelligent, but lack executive skill, so even small problems can throw them completely and leave them feeling helpless.
  • Tend to be lazy. If they inherit wealth they will spend it rather than add to it.
  • Likely to drift through life.
  • Fond of their parents and a small group of friends.
  • Like beautiful things.
  • May be fond of gambling and take many risks.
  • Easily irritated and distracted.
  • Career is likely to be insecure and will be limited by past conditioning.
  • Emotions and romance can lead to their downfall.
  • Could become a criminal or a liar.
  • Idealistic.
  • Need love and acceptance.
  • Could work in publicity or teaching; could become a monk, mystic or yogi; enjoy working outdoors.
  • Need to beware of poisons.
  • Can be mentally unstable.

Possible Themes
Weird encounters; spirit communication; reincarnation.


A broken wheel; a waterfall; a rainbow; a bubble; coins; a horse.

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