Sunday, 4 August 2019

A year of writing prompts: 5 August

How to use these prompts

Write about this canoe trip.
Is there anything significant about the fact everything
except the canoes is in black and white?


  1. It's Underwear Day. Write a story featuring underwear.
  2. The Elephant Man was born on this date in 1862. Your character is deformed or disfigured in some way. How do they cope?
  3. "A legal kiss is never as good as a stolen one." Guy de Maupassant
  4. It's Blackmail Day. Pen a tale in which one character blackmails another.
  5. The first cinema in Britain opened in 1901. Write a story which takes place in a cinema.

Character Names
Christian, Christina, Oswald, Mackenzie, Oscar, Maria, Hortense. Ulric

Character Traits
  • Could be stubborn with entrenched attitudes.
  • Firm and steadfast with high moral principles.
  • Can be cantankerous, sullen and cynical, never taking anything on trust.
  • May be an orphan, or may care for a parent or other relative.
  • Restless; enjoys travel.
  • Usually fortunate, and make good use of their blessings.
  • Conservative and patriotic.
  • Well respected, even by their enemies, but they do not always have respect for others.
  • Success, fame and wealth come through courageous and persistent work.
  • Not very spiritual.
  • Will quickly grasp the essential concepts of any theory or idea.
  • Will not waste time on superficial details.
  • Will do well at work requiring a well-trained eye and hand. Possible careers include forest clearing, scientific agriculture or breeding animals. Make good investigators.
  • May become the victims of deceit or poisoning.
  • Can be lazy and complacent.
  • Suffer badly from hangovers.
  • May be disconnected from reality.

Possible Themes
Memory and reflection.
Retirement and redundancy.
Agriculture; the fertility of the earth.
Prototypes for the future.

A black ball; a painted ceiling; a porch; the letter Q; a rocking chair.

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