Thursday, 1 August 2019

A Year of writing prompts: 2 August

How to use these prompts

What story might this comic book tell?


  1. "Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced." James Baldwin
  2. The school holidays aren't even half over and the kids are already bored. Write about what one group of children does to stave off boredom.
  3. On this date in 1870 the London Underground, or the Tube, opened. Write a story set somewhere on the Tube.
  4. I Came, I Saw, I Conquered.
  5. Velcro and barbed wire were both patented on this date. Write s story featuring one of these things - or both.

Character Names
Gustav, Norma, Norman, Stefan, Alphonse, Leon, Leo, Leona, Lionel, Karina, Karin

Character Traits
  • Fearless, firm and sure.
  • Interested in the mystic secrets of life and death.
  • Tendency to be morose and gloomy.
  • Likely to make friends suddenly or quickly; but estrangements can happen equally fast.
  • A lot of the situations and people they encounter present them with difficult problems to solve.
  • Quiet, mature and self-reliant.
  • May have a lot of past life karma - perhaps they killed someone in cold blood in a previous life.
  • Will see projects through to the end. Great sense of duty.
  • Kind and hospitable to everyone whether they deserve it or not but also have great capacity for evil.
  • Their work and relationships are often prematurely destroyed.
  • Not especially ambitious or hard working. Tend to procrastinate.
  • Have pleasant voices.
  • Have impeccable taste and a sense of style. Dislike distasteful circumstances and uncultured people.
  • May work in the skin or fur trade, or in administration.
  • Transportation and sport, in particular hunting, are a source of danger to them.
  • May suffer from insomnia or fear of the dark.
  • Danger of alcoholism.
  • Tendency towards envy.

Possible Themes
Dying in order to be reborn. 
The end necessary before the new beginning.
Cycles of experience. 
The dawning of a new day.
Water droplets; dew.


A skeleton holding a scythe; a shovel; dew; olive oil; a damaged oak tree.

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