Friday, 23 August 2019

A year of writing prompts: 23 August

How to use these prompts

Clearly this is part of a re-enactment.
You could set your story at such an event.
Or, you could mentally photoshop out the people in the background and make it a story about actual soldiers.


  1. In 2006, Natascha Kampusch managed to escape from the man who had held her captive for eight years. Your character has been held captive for many years, and finally escapes.
  2. It's Singing in the Rain Day and also Ride the Wind Day. Write about people who sing in the rain and/or ride the wind.
  3. "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." William Ernest Henley
  4. It's National Plumber's Day. Write a story featuring a plumber.
  5. In 1711, a British attempt to invade Canada by sea failed. Write about a failed invasion.

Character Names
Sandra, Benjamin, Ralph, Kelly, Kellie, Kylie, Kristen, Philip, Eugene, Rose

Character Traits
  • Warm, sociable and helpful by nature, so have many friends.
  • Enjoy entertaining and throwing parties.
  • May be overly concerned with appearances and be somewhat superficial.
  • Fond of sensual pleasures.
  • May have lots of love affairs.
  • Prefer team games to individual sports. May enjoy horse riding or hunting. People they meet while taking part in sports are the people who can help them achieve success.
  • Tend to be full in the body. May over-eat or drink too much, and this can affect their health.
  • Need plenty of sleep.
  • Threatened by the elements in their early life, whereby they have to depend on others for survival or health.
  • Adaptable.
  • May enjoy pursuits like writing or playing games. Could take up writing as a career.
  • May be interested in psychology.
  • May be affected by deception, avarice, cruelty, propaganda or prejudice.

Possible Themes
Wealth, opulence, well-being, comfort.
Thirst for love and truth.
Identity, individuality.
Overcoming restrictions.


A portrait in a fancy frame; a wolf; a lamb; a staff; a festival; a volcano

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