Monday, 11 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 11 November

How to use these prompts

Why is this woman crying?
Who is the man?
Tell their story.


  1. It's Remembrance Day. Write a story around this theme. Perhaps one set during wartime - a heroic action by a soldier, perhaps, or centred around a Remembrance Day service or commemoration. Perhaps someone gets into hot water for wearing, or not wearing, a poppy.
  2. Occurrences of the numbers 11:11 on digital clocks and the like is said to have spiritual significance. Your character is spooked out because they keep seeing 11 or 11:11 everywhere. Is there some significance to it, or are they just paranoid?
  3. It's Origami day. Write a story featuring paper folded sculptures.
  4. St Martin's Day is traditionally the beginning of winter, a day when people begin their preparations for winter. Write about a family who are making ready to face a harsh winter.
  5. "Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." George Smith Patton

Character Names
Martin, Mina, Anastasia, Etta, Quentin, Quincy, Bartholomew

Character Traits
  • Tend to follow their impulses rather than think things through. This means they often have to reconsider their plans.
  • Often oblivious to danger, but are quick to retreat once they see they are getting into a mess.
  • Restless, and like to travel.
  • Will be close to their mothers, and one romantic partner.
  • Can be cruel, cowardly and take advantage of others who are weaker than they are. However, they do like to see their families and neighbours prosper.
  • Talkative.
  • Want to belong, and will join clubs and societies to achieve a sense of belonging.
  • Conflicts between desire and duty,
  • May be forced by circumstances to perform dangerous or unpleasant tasks.
  • May suffer a reversal of fortune at some stage nut will overcome it, either through willpower or through a fortuitous marriage.
  • Danger from poisons.
  • May drink too much.
  • Lack self control and may have a perversion of some kind which will contribute to their downfall.
  • At some stage in their life they may find themselves in the middle of a war, terrorism, or gang warfare.

Possible Themes
Force of destiny.
Merging and changing.


A waterfall; hunters; wild ducks; a tax collector; a poor poet; a rag rug; a soldier; a mill pond.

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