Saturday, 2 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 2 November

How to use these prompts

Where is this?
A hotel bar or a room in a privately owned stately home?
Who is the woman in the picture?
What is her connection with the place?


  1. "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw
  2. Today is the Cookie Monster's birthday. Write about his birthday party. He can invite any fictional characters he likes, not limited to Muppets.
  3. It's the Day of the Dead. Write something with death as a theme - the death scene of a character, people trying to communicate with the dead, honour their ancestors or planning a funeral. A zombie story or a ghost story or one set in a cemetery would fit in here, too.
  4. In 1879, a man called Mr. Weston lost a six day foot race to a horse. Write about a race or contest between unlikely participants - man vs animal, man vs machine, animal vs machine. Or you might like to set it at the London to Brighton Veteran Car run, which takes place around this time.
  5. Write a story which takes place on a foggy day.

Character Names
Topias, Achilles, Vivita, Shelby, Mason, Bella, Tobias, Toby

Character Traits
  • Self reliant and prefer their own company. Taciturn and reserved.
  • They may long for romance and the comp[any of the opposite sex, but do not make good marriage partners as they can be distant, even from loved ones.
  • Do not listen to advice.
  • Tendency to flaunt eccentric views, but may end up suffering for it.
  • Rarely content with their lot; grasping, always ready to take anything unprotected or undeserved.
  • Put a great deal of energy into shoring up their position in life and protecting their family.
  • Strong and stubborn.
  • May be psychic but there is a danger they will not use their gifts wisely.
  • Can observe and sum up situations without giving away their feelings.
  • May have a gift for poetry or art.
  • Not hurting others is more important to them than honesty.
  • Courteous and respectful. Generous and reliable.
  • Will enjoy travel, especially to warmer places.
  • Intelligent and logical.
  • Career in agriculture, business or the military. Possible leadership position.
  • Power trips and selfishness can be their downfall.

Possible Themes
Attraction and repulsion.
Decision making.
Inventions and experiements.


A telephone lineman; an overflowing well; roses; a feast; a dove; wailing women in black; a sieve; a large jug.

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