Sunday, 17 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 18 November

How to use these prompts

Lighting? Art? Chinese lanterns?
Some sort of alien life form?


  1. "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them." Margaret Atwood
  2. Entrepreneurs Day is celebrated about now. Write a story featuring an enterprising young person who starts their own business. Anything from selling lemonade at their garden gate at the age of four to an actual company the minute they leave school. Perhaps they enter a competition such as The Apprentice to try and get investment from Lord Sugar or someone like him.
  3. Today is the feast day of St Peter. He is the patron of bakers, butchers, clock makers, cobblers, fishermen, locksmiths, popes, ship-builders and stone masons. Pick one or more of these professions to feature in your story.
  4. St Peter is also said to be the holder of the keys to heaven and the person who will decide whether or not you get in when you roll up at the Pearly Gates. Imagine a conversation between St Peter and a person who has just died. It can be an imaginary person or a figure from history, such as Hitler. How to they go about persuading St Peter to let them in? Does it work?
  5. In 1991, Terry Waite was released after spending almost five years imprisoned by terrorists. Your character arrives home after being a terrorist's prisoner for several years. How has the experience affected them? How do they cope? What has changed at home during their absence?

Character Names
Romana, Jeno, Aleksandr, Dolores, Gene, Augustin, Eugene, Eugenia, Pierre, Percy

Character Traits
  • Studious, fond of learning, possibly even a genius.
  • May end up working in computing or science and as inventors.
  • They may have a sedentary job but will be active outside of work. They like sport, especially hunting and shooting.
  • Good marksmen.
  • Good communicators, but tend to be opinionated.
  • Ambitious and like the idea of power but are not particularly hard-working. Where possible they will work it so other people do most of the hard work.
  • Able to reflect and meditate on things.
  • Charming, shrewd and sexy - these are the keys to their success.
  • May be divorced.
  • Missing fine details can be their downfall.
  • May be bullied.

Possible Themes
Observation and thought.
Wit and intelligence.
Sacrifice for the common good.


An open book; hunting trophies; a lecture; a pen; pebbles; a sheet of paper; a folk singer; a police cordon; a government building.

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