Tuesday, 5 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 5 November

How to use these prompts

Write a story about the bonfire night party these two are at.
What could possibly go wrong?


  1. On the date we are encouraged to "Remember, Remember", write about your earliest memory, or that of one of your characters.
  2. Your characters hold a bonfire night party.
  3. Write a thriller in which there is a modern day plot to blow up Parliament, or some equally serious act of treason.
  4. "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine. It is stranger than we can imagine." JBS Haldane
  5. It's the Feast of No Return. Your character is about to make a decision or perform an action from which there will be no going back.

Character Names
Miriam, Reima, Imre, Chad, Chase, Chelsea, Zachary, Elizabeth, Eugene, Eugenia

Character Traits
  • Capable of deep thought and concentration.
  • Love simple beauty.
  • May be art collectors or work in a low paid job connected with art.
  • There may be a growth issue, leading to them being a dwarf or a giant.
  • Chivalrous, honourable and kind. Make loyal and faithful friends.
  • Dedicate themselves to causes, although the initial reason for getting involved may be a selfish one.
  • Willing to take risks, but are not always lucky.
  • Will meet many obstacles in life but will carry on regardless.
  • May be involved in an occult or secret society which aims to change things by secretive but peaceful means, possibly involving the use of ancient wisdom.
  • Tendency to bite off more than they can chew.
  • Will show concern in times of crisis and are often the ones to come to the aid of strangers.
  • Can have forceful personalities and dominate others.
  • Possible careers are military, working with chemicals, business, or working on public transport.
  • May be political or cultural revolutionaries.

Possible Themes
Regeneration, growth.
Lightening the mood.


A girl smiling; birds of prey; a wolf; a knight of the Holy Grail; a flame; torches; a prison; the ferry across the River Styx.

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