Monday, 4 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 4 November

How to use these prompts

Is this couple entering their own house, or someone else's?
If it's someone else's, why?
What is waiting for them inside?


  1. "The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." Eden Phillpotts
  2. It's Chair Day. Write a story featuring a chair. It can be someone's favourite armchair, an interview chair, a throne, a wheelchair, the seat at the head of a table, or anything else which springs to mind.
  3. King Tut's tomb was discovered on this date in 1922. Write a story connected with an Egyptian tomb. Who finds it? How is the discovery of the tomb important? Does it change the perception of history? Is there a curse attached to it?
  4. Today's guardian angel is Sehaliah, who once had dominion over vegetables. Write a story featuring an angel who has dominion over something unusual, or excessively humble.
  5. "Penny for the Guy!"

Character Names
Karel, Otto, Solomon, Estelle, Carol, Caroline, Uno

Character Traits
  • Women are beautiful, men debonair.
  • Physically strong, with the ability to withstand pain and hardship.
  • Although unlikely to be religious, will enjoy the observance of religious rites.
  • They dislike the structure of organised religion and a re more likely to be drawn to occult practices.
  • Somewhat fatalistic and may feel a need to sacrifice themselves for others.
  • Enjoy travel and adventure; thrive on change.
  • Can be free-loaders - taking more than they are willing to give.
  • Passive and lazy and therefore unlikely to become wealthy.
  • Creative.
  • Fond of art and films.
  • May be drawn to work in earth sciences or in connection with the spiritual universe. Otherwise may go into business, especially something involving exchange and barter.
  • May suffer serious health problems.
  • Susceptible to poisoning.
  • There is a danger of either being too serious, or not serious enough.

Possible Themes
Inner beauty.
The senses.
The astral body.
Exchange and barter.


A sleeping bear; a swarm of bees; children playing; five mounds of sand; a temple; a woman with a gold tooth; a ship; a game of poker.

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