Thursday, 28 November 2019

A year of writing prompts: 29 November

How to use these prompts

Two guys arm wrestling.
Is it a friendly contest or are there
much higher stakes?


  1. Deep within the depths of the earth, something is happening.
  2. "I do not think the forest would be so bright, nor the water so warm, nor love so sweet, if there were no danger in the lakes." CS Lewis
  3. Tonight is Vampire night in Romania when vampires are said to rise from their graves. Write a Vampire tale.
  4. Edison first demonstrated his phonograph, the first device for recording the human voice. Write a story about a recording.
  5. In the US and increasingly in the UK as well, around now is Black Friday, a day when sales are held, often with crazy reductions. Shops have been known to turn into riot zones. Write a story about a sale. Do your characters queue overnight to get the bargain of a lifetime? Do they interact with others in the queue? What does your character have to do to get the item they want?

Character Names
Zina, Kay, Troy, Ignatius

Character Traits
  • Make friends easily wherever they go.
  • However, they make enemies just as easily as they can be outspoken; also because they tend to achieve their ambitions and so jealous rivals may abound.
  • Energetic, pioneering and innovative.
  • Skilled in subtlety and strategy.
  • Interested in politics or astrology.
  • Possibly psychic.
  • Cut to the chase and quickly get to the point in discussions.
  • Their careers could lead them into dangerous situations - the military is one area they could be drawn to. Others are collectors of knowledge, publishing, teaching, politics or architecture.
  • A position in the public eye is possible.
  • Enjoy modern leisure pursuits
  • Likely to be in a leadership position. If this doesn't manifest as part of their career, it could be that they are a scout leader, gang leader, or the parent of a large family.
  • Tend to concentrate on the physical - are athletic and practical - while neglecting their spiritual side.
  • Will either be noble, courageous and diplomatic, or sly, crafty, treacherous and cruel.

Possible Themes
The path less travelled.
Fitness and exercise.


An archaic temple; a monkey riding a wolf; a tiger; a lion; a panther; a string of pearls.

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