Thursday, 31 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 1

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
What is their relationship to one another?
Do they all get on, or not?
What are they getting together to discuss, if anything?


  1. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Clark Gable
  2. It's the feast day of St. Brigid, whose patronage includes poets, dairymaids, blacksmiths, fugitives and Irish nuns. An interesting bunch of characters...
  3. It's the festival of Imbolc, which celebrates the stirring of the Earth in preparation for spring. Write about something that is happening in secret or behind the scenes in anticipation of a big event.
  4. In 1930, the first Times Crossword was published. Write a story featuring a crossword puzzle.
  5. In 1709, Alexander Selkirk, thought to be the inspiration behind Robinson Crusoe, was rescued from his desert island. Write a story about someone marooned on an island.

Character Names
Gita, Indra, Harvey, Priscilla, Brigid, Brigita, Ignacy, Tatiana, Max, Magda

Character Traits
  • They may suffer a sudden crisis or disaster in mid-life which stops them from pursuing at least one activity.
  • Danger of accidents affecting the limbs or limiting mobility.
  • Danger of reversal of fortune due to unpredictable events like floods, earthquakes or war.
  • They are popular people with many genuine friends who will gladly offer support during times of misfortune.
  • Have impressionable minds, but poor memories.
  • Home-loving people, devoted to family and fond of children.
  • Probably enjoy gardening and domestic chores.
  • Interest in natural living and nutrition.
  • Jacks of all trades, versatile with many talents - but this often leads to them taking on more than they can handle. They may find themselves having to choose between, or maintain, two different careers or philosophies.
  • Usually have a curious or eccentric habit.
  • Tend to be restless and anxious, finding it hard to settle down.
  • May have curly hair.
  • Will play Devil's Advocate rather than leave things alone.
  • Likely careers - scientist, detective, investigative journalist.
  • Courteous and friendly, but may inwardly be highly suspicious and over cautious.

Possible Themes
Choices, sacrifices, tests.
Following hunches.
Getting things done.


train entering a tunnel; a broken bridge; an oval shaped mirror; a quill pen; a penlight; scorpions.

A year of writing prompts: January 31

How to use these prompts

Who is this a statue of?
What is the story behind why he is
sitting in this particular place?
Perhaps it's not a statue but a person under a spell.


  1. It's Backward Day. A day to do everything backwards. So start with the end of a story and work backwards to the beginning.
  2. Westerns are Wonderful Day - write a story set in the wild west.
  3. Today, on average, is when snowdrops first appear. Write a story entitled "The First Sign of Spring."
  4. "That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime". Jim Elliot
  5. In 1867 the four lions at the base of Nelson's Column were completed. Write a story featuring one or more of the lions.

Character Names
Marcella, Gerda, Violetta, Emile, Emily, Emilia, Emilio, Jan

Character Traits
  • Attachment to their home, family or clan. This can also manifest as loyalty to a gang or crime syndicate, as well as a pride in their ancestry.
  • House proud.
  • Fiercely loyal and protective of those they love but this can manifest as a tendency to be manipulative of them.
  • Likely to experience unexpected upheavals in life.
  • They are inquisitive, with keen observation and perception. Able to grasp concepts quickly.
  • Have fine manners and a love of beauty which they will want to express through art, writing, or especially, music.
  • Often physically beautiful.
  • Vigilant and alert.
  • Compassionate, with a desire to help others in a personal way - but have a tendency to nag.
  • Courage and honour, especially if they embark on a military career.
  • Psychology or social work are other possible careers.
  • Adaptable and able to deal with most situations. This can include coming up with excuses or answers to order.
  • Clever tacticians.
  • Can be underhanded cheaters.
  • May live in a rural area, or be on the fringes of society in some way.
  • Danger of imprisonment at some point in their life.

Possible Themes
Passion, anger, upheaval.
Predictions, warnings, forecasting. Weather.
Perception of subtle changes.
Opinion polls.


barometer; a lion in a cage; a wax candle on a round table; an empty granite sarcophagus; a short wave radio.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 30

How to use these prompts

Who is this woman?
How did she come by the bird?
Where is she sending it?


  1. "History is the unfolding of miscalculations". Barbara W Tuchman
  2. It's National Inane Answering Message Day. Write about someone who is trying to contact another person but gets nothing but an inane answerphone message.
  3. In 1790, the first purpose built lifeboat was launched. Write about a group of people in a lifeboat after their ship sinks.
  4. In 1989 archaeologists in Egypt found five life sized granite figures of Pharaohs dating back to 1470BC. Write a story about these figures.
  5. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D Roosevelt

Character Names
Robin, Martina, Valentina, Roosevelt, Oprah, Ema

Character Traits
  • Often act without thinking; do not know their own strength and can hurt people even though they are trying to help.
  • Value freedom and resent having to pay homage to or salute another person. That said, there is likely to be some restriction of their freedom. At some point in their lives they may have to go into exile or into hiding.
  • Secretive.
  • Tendency to look down on others and take pleasure in their misery.
  • Usually dignified but can get carried away by their passions.
  • Impatient with what they sense to be stupidity around them.
  • At their best, generous and self sacrificing.
  • At their worst, unstable and spiteful.
  • Imaginative and creative - capable of bringing lofty ideals into practical use.
  • Revolutionaries who will work to change the established order and redress wrongs.
  • May go into public service, the military, healing sciences or politics.
  • Things which could cause their downfall are snobbery, insubordination, resistance, or outrage against those beneath them, eg. their staff.
  • May be some involvement with terrorism.
  • Falls from grace are possible.

Possible Themes
Independence and freedom through conflict.
Hierarchies. Social class; promotion and upward mobility.
Contraction and expansion.
Politics and big business.


A grand staircase; an injured dove; a manuscript; a bundle of letters.

Monday, 28 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 29

How to use these prompts

Write a story about this dog and/or its owners.


  1. On Curmudgeons Day, write about someone who wins a grumpy person around.
  2. "I don't like Mondays."
  3. In 1959, a dense fog covered most of Britain. Write about someone who is lost in the fog.
  4. Today is the Feast of Overdue Expectations. Make of that what you will.
  5. "If a thing is worth having, it is worth cheating for." WC Fields

Character Names
Ignatius, Adel, Ashley, Ashlynn, Ashton, Wilbert, Gaspar, Vilma

Character Traits
  • Can appear arrogant, conceited and scornful.
  • Reckless, relying on strength and brute force to achieve things.
  • Sharp minds with an aptitude for science and maths.
  • May achieve success with a timely contribution but it will be short-lived as they don't have the ability to defend what they have won.
  • Their work could have an effect on future generations.
  • They may write music or produce art, but it will not be understood by their contemporaries, but will stand the test of time.
  • Keen on reforming and expanding but often on disagreeable terms.
  • Fussy, idealistic and headstrong.
  • Able to deal efficiently with the unexpected.
  • Will suffer ups and downs in their careers and in romance.
  • Do well at careers requiring strong argumentative skills. Science or the military are especially likely.
  • May be caught up in violent conflicts. Danger of serious injuries or even receiving a death sentence.
  • Can be obsessive.
  • May regret some of their actions.
  • Talented at riding.

Possible Themes
Mental flexibility.
Reflexes and fighting skill.
Meeting of minds.
Higher wisdom; sacred texts.
Spiritual awakening.


A rocket exploding; flowers twined around a sceptre; two bulls fighting; outlines of a new plan.

Sunday, 27 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 28

How to use these prompts

Who are these two?
What is their relationship?
Does the woman know who the man
in the mask really is?


  1. "A demon is a god reflected". William Butler Yeats
  2. It's National Spieling Day. A day for blathering. Write a shaggy dog story told by a man to his wife about why he was late home.
  3. In 1754, Horace Walpole coined the word "serendipity" meaning a happy accident. Write a story about someone who makes an accidental discovery that changes their life for the better.
  4. The Bird Man of Alcatraz was born in 1890. Write a story from the point of view of a prisoner on the same cell block.
  5. It's Data Privacy Day. Write about someone whose online data is compromised.

Character Names
Ottilie, Carl, Carlos, Leonidas, Alfredo, Alonzo, Alfred, Avery, Cleo, Roger, Karla

Character Traits
  • Often a scatterbrain, or uncoordinated.
  • May have been separated from their parents early in life and so may have lacked role models as they grew up, with a detrimental effect on how they organise their lives.
  • Are able to influence, arouse and lead others. Good at organising people; but as likely for nefarious purposes as for good.
  • Handle situations requiring tact and courtesy well.
  • Diplomatic, with a talent for smoothing out antagonistic relationships.
  • Attack problems from an unusual angle. In fact, they love a chance to solve a crisis.
  • Opportunistic, but often do things they later regret.
  • Interested in history, art and archaeology.
  • Always alert to what is wrong, what is missing, and what needs changing.
  • Tend to be unlucky, but often reach their goals nevertheless.
  • Historical research, archaeology and acting are well starred careers.
  • Dangers lurk in the shadows, especially when travelling.
  • Danger of serious accidents involving paralysis and/or severance of nerves.
  • Can suffer from depression or alcoholism.

Possible Themes

Fashions and trends. Desire for progress.
Finding one's identity.


A ruined wall with an archway; a raven; chains; a magnificent and brilliantly lighted room.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 27

How to use these prompts

What is the function of this building?
Who are the people reflected in the glass?
Write about the people who live there/work there/
pass through.


  1. "Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist." Frank Miller
  2. January.
  3. It's also Thomas Crapper Day. He invented the flush toilet on this date, and died the same date a few years later. Write a tale about a toilet.
  4. And it's Mozart's birthday. Time for a tale featuring some classical music.
  5. Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. Write a story featuring a concentration camp, or a holocaust survivor.

Character Names
Ingrid, Angelica, Ilona, Esperanza, Nathaniel, Nathan, Jan, Angela

Character Traits
  • Courageous and always willing to come to the rescue of others.
  • Physical and moral strength.
  • Get things done quickly and can drive their way through any obstacles.
  • Not ambitious - tend to be content with their lot; but can nonetheless be successful in business.
  • May be atheist or agnostic when they are younger but embrace a religious faith later on, and become quite evangelical.
  • Enjoy comfort and pleasant surroundings.
  • Will attract success and fame later in life, possibly through some great achievement, possibly in the field of world peace, but then vanish from the spotlight altogether.
  • There may be several minor influences that make them change direction, and one major turning point.
  • Have unusual ideas and plans.
  • Attack problems with ingenuity.
  • Quick to perceive their own mistakes.
  • Can make enemies through being incisive and critical.
  • Careers can include sports, law, preacher, or any risky occupation aimed at helping people in distress.
  • Work towards philosophical ideals; their loyalty is to humanity as a whole.
  • May have sensitive eyes.
  • May drink too much.

Possible Themes
Ideas brought to life; ideals animated.
Fighting for freedom.
Solidarity, devotion, mutual help.


A flag; an eagle; a rock split in two by lightning; a horse and cart; a shield; violets; a dungeon.

A year of writing prompts: January 26

How to use these prompts

Someone missing from this family (if so why?) or an actual
dark entity standing behind them?


  1. "Old soldiers never die: they just fade away." General Douglas McArthur
  2. It's Australia day. Write a story set in Australia.
  3. In 1995, two burglars rang the police to complain that they'd been burnt by an electric fence and prevented from breaking into a house. Write about a pair of inept criminals.
  4. The Chernobyl accident happened in 1986. Write a story about a crisis at a nuclear power station.
  5. In the Zoroastrian calendar, today is a day to "drink wine, hold converse with your friends and ask a boon of King Moon". Some people are doing just that. What do they ask of King Moon? Is the request granted?

Character Names
Jonathan, Vanda, Paula, Jon, Timothy, Tamara

Character Traits
  • Value their freedom more than worldly goods.
  • However, they are likely to suffer some curtailment of their liberty or have a tendency to curtail that of others. Losing their own freedom will then bring about a greater respect for that of others.
  • May be especially talented at one particular thing.
  • Can be fanatical and hold one-sided views.
  • Self-reliant and pioneering.
  • Capable of being caustic and sarcastic.
  • They want to marry but often attract the wrong people.
  • Tend to over-indulge in food or sex,
  • Instinctive learners
  • They may have some emotional problem or bad habit which they find impossible to overcome although to an observer, it appears they should be able to get over it easily,
  • A strict adherence to logical reasoning may hold them back.
  • When limitations become restrictive they will move on and start again.
  • Students of human nature.
  • Interested in astrology.
  • May become a missionary, diplomat or explorer.
  • Can be overly obsessed with beauty and fashion.

Possible Themes
Independence of spirit.
Inner strength.
The vanity of the human spirit.
The allure of beauty.

Beautifully gowned wax figures; a lion; a chain; an astrological chart; a barred window; lace.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 25

How to use these prompts

A fire hydrant painted to look like a clown?
Or an alien visitor?
Or some other kind of fantasy creature?


  1. It's A Room of One's Own Day. Write about someone getting a room of their own for the first time.
  2. "I should have suspected trouble when the Haggis failed to arrive". A story for Burns Night.
  3. "The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned." W. Somerset Maugham
  4. It's Observe the Weather Day. Write about some people who are observing the weather.
  5. It's Tatiana Day. She is the patron saint of students. Write a story featuring students.

Character Names
Paul, Gregory, Margarita, Sigurd, Charity, Cheryl, Cherie, Neil, Neal, Joel

Character Traits
  • Mature and well balanced.
  • Peaceful and tranquil.
  • Enjoy reading and discussions.
  • Usually entitled to more than they have, and are unconscious of their powers.
  • Will either be extremely impulsive to the extent they rush into ambitious projects without any planning and get into serious conflict with others; or never act on impulse at all.
  • Tend to believe the grass is greener elsewhere.
  • Health issues may prevent them from achieving as much wealth and status as they could.
  • May have had emotionally absent parents, or parents who demanded achievement.
  • May have problems with their eyesight.
  • Danger of assault, injury and hateful jealousy.
  • May become an expert on a given topic.
  • Psychology, medicine, communications and travel are all possible career fields.
  • Tactful, just and objective.
  • Can be hard to understand.

Possible Themes
Creativity; creative tension. Birth of creative ideas.
Genetic engineering and IVF. Mutations.
Struggles to break free.


An egg; a sword; a bran doll hanging on a wall; a burning lamp; a burning book of black magic.

A year of writing prompts: January 24

How to use these prompts

Who are these women? Princesses? Actors?
Cosplayers? Why are they sitting back to back?


  1. In 1957 a hailstone weighing half a kilo landed in front of a butcher's shop in Middlesex. Write an account from the point of view of someone who saw it happen.
  2. "The most depressing day of the year."
  3. It's the birthday of Warren Zevon, who had a hit with "Werewolves of London". Write a story about a werewolf in London.
  4. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." William Congreve
  5. In the French Revolutionary Calendar, it's the day of the Bull. Write a story featuring a bull.

Character Names
Milena, Timothy, Kriss, Felicia, Tim, Florence, Erika

Character Traits
  • Good at things which require physical and mental deftness, such as archery, skating, juggling, acrobatics.
  • Keen eye for fine details, paired with a tendency towards perfectionism, so will spot any technical mistake others make and criticise them for it.
  • Strive for perfection and self improvement in their own lives, too.
  • Enjoy practical jokes and verbal fencing.
  • Careful, methodical and neat.
  • Their ambitions may be focused on things away from their immediate environment, so may travel a lot.
  • Success and fame follows struggle and obscurity.
  • Highly intelligent with artistic ability.
  • Reluctant to lend or borrow anything.
  • Interested in anything new and experimental.
  • May be psychic.
  • Can be difficult to live with as they are argumentative and lack the human touch.
  • Likely careers are teaching, preacher or spiritual teacher, advertising, medicine, aviation, manual crafts or acting.
  • Danger of accidents, especially when travelling by air.
  • Danger of deception or manipulation. These people have great powers of persuasion.

Possible Themes
Singing and chanting.
Manual dexterity; skill; deftness.
Liabilities turning into assets.


Burning grass; a bow and arrow; some sticks; a mask in a mystery play.