Monday, 21 January 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 21

How to use these prompts

What's the deal with these trees?
Perfectly normal trees on a crisp winter's day?
Or are they dead?


  1. "No man is an island, entire of itself". John Donne
  2. Today is the Feast of Jolly Roger. Time for a pirate story - make sure the Jolly Roger features in it!
  3. In 1995, the Royal Astronomical society claimed there is a 13th zodiac sign between Scorpio and Saggitarius, Ophiuchus the Healer. Imagine what a 14th zodiac sign might be. What would people born under it be like?
  4. It's Christian Dior's birthday, so write a story featuring high fashion, designers and/or models.
  5. It's Squirrel appreciation day. Write a story with a squirrel in it.

Character Names
Bela, Oona, Agnes, Inez, Ashlee, Vince, Vincent, Vincenzo, Agneta

Character Traits
  • Grasp ideas quickly and can become adept in all sciences.
  • The women are popular; the men are natural leaders.
  • Life may not always go well for them - suffering, separation and poverty are possible, but they have great fortitude and good friends who will help them re-build their lives.
  • Adaptable - able to fit in anywhere.
  • They may follow an unusual line of work, or have something unusual happen to them.
  • They may go into aviation, or become white magicians.
  • Inquisitive.
  • Lovers of art and nature.
  • May suffer wounds to the head or legs.
  • Intelligent; but may lack emotional depth.
  • Have many interests rather than focusing on one area.
  • May be religious or interested in the occult.
  • Generous.
  • Purpose in life will be honourable but not necessarily profitable. It will be for others more than for themselves.
  • Physically strong.

Possible Themes

Leaving; opting out of responsibility.
Taking risks to get out of dangerous or unpleasant situations.
Willingness to start again.


A staff; a mosaic pavement; an ornate Hindu temple.

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