Sunday, 13 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 13

How to use these prompts

Why is this person sitting in the middle of an icy waste?
Where is she, and where is she going?

  1. On this date in 1927, a woman took her seat on the New York Stock Exchange for the first time. In 1978, NASA selected its first female astronauts. Write about a woman who is admitted to a previously all male domain.
  2. Today would be New Year's day in the Julian Calendar. Write about someone who insists on celebrating New Year thirteen days later than everyone else.
  3. "It was the coldest day of the year..."
  4. It's Door-to-Door Salespeople Day. Write a story featuring a door to door salesman.
  5. "The young man in question made his humble entry into the village, unknown and almost unseen." Thomas Hardy

Character Names
Edith, Veronica, Tanya, Allen, Keith, Kelsey, Forest, Knut

Character Traits
  • A warm and generous heart hiding behind a gruff manner.
  • Neat, accurate, orderly and precise.
  • Guarded and private; can keep secrets. Danger of becoming a recluse.
  • Well endowed with common sense.
  • Polite and courteous, but can be blunt and critical of others.
  • Sympathy with common people and the downtrodden - may have militant political beliefs.
  • Dislike non-transparent people, subtlety and intrigue.
  • Passionate in love but have the will-power to curb their passions when inappropriate.
  • Romantic, but this may be hidden behind their gruff manner.
  • Come close to financial disaster, but something always comes along at the last minute to bail them out.
  • Protective of their position in life and the things they have worked for.
  • Like to learn, and may go into teaching. Alternatively, may be attracted to a career in science or medicine where they can research solutions to mankind's problems.
  • Another possible career is anything to do with wood, or the production and sale of alcoholic drinks.
  • Likely to do well in outdoor activities.
  • May suffer from gastric ulcers.
  • Danger from drowning, either literally, or in their debts.

Possible Themes
Spiritual retreats.
Losing an identity and/or taking on a new one.
Vows; sacrifice.


A barrel; a potter's wheel; a lifebuoy; a tankard; three arrows.

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