Saturday, 26 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 26

How to use these prompts

Someone missing from this family (if so why?) or an actual
dark entity standing behind them?


  1. "Old soldiers never die: they just fade away." General Douglas McArthur
  2. It's Australia day. Write a story set in Australia.
  3. In 1995, two burglars rang the police to complain that they'd been burnt by an electric fence and prevented from breaking into a house. Write about a pair of inept criminals.
  4. The Chernobyl accident happened in 1986. Write a story about a crisis at a nuclear power station.
  5. In the Zoroastrian calendar, today is a day to "drink wine, hold converse with your friends and ask a boon of King Moon". Some people are doing just that. What do they ask of King Moon? Is the request granted?

Character Names
Jonathan, Vanda, Paula, Jon, Timothy, Tamara

Character Traits
  • Value their freedom more than worldly goods.
  • However, they are likely to suffer some curtailment of their liberty or have a tendency to curtail that of others. Losing their own freedom will then bring about a greater respect for that of others.
  • May be especially talented at one particular thing.
  • Can be fanatical and hold one-sided views.
  • Self-reliant and pioneering.
  • Capable of being caustic and sarcastic.
  • They want to marry but often attract the wrong people.
  • Tend to over-indulge in food or sex,
  • Instinctive learners
  • They may have some emotional problem or bad habit which they find impossible to overcome although to an observer, it appears they should be able to get over it easily,
  • A strict adherence to logical reasoning may hold them back.
  • When limitations become restrictive they will move on and start again.
  • Students of human nature.
  • Interested in astrology.
  • May become a missionary, diplomat or explorer.
  • Can be overly obsessed with beauty and fashion.

Possible Themes
Independence of spirit.
Inner strength.
The vanity of the human spirit.
The allure of beauty.

Beautifully gowned wax figures; a lion; a chain; an astrological chart; a barred window; lace.

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