Saturday, 26 January 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: January 27

How to use these prompts

What is the function of this building?
Who are the people reflected in the glass?
Write about the people who live there/work there/
pass through.


  1. "Batman is a hero who wishes he didn't have to exist." Frank Miller
  2. January.
  3. It's also Thomas Crapper Day. He invented the flush toilet on this date, and died the same date a few years later. Write a tale about a toilet.
  4. And it's Mozart's birthday. Time for a tale featuring some classical music.
  5. Auschwitz was liberated in 1945. Write a story featuring a concentration camp, or a holocaust survivor.

Character Names
Ingrid, Angelica, Ilona, Esperanza, Nathaniel, Nathan, Jan, Angela

Character Traits
  • Courageous and always willing to come to the rescue of others.
  • Physical and moral strength.
  • Get things done quickly and can drive their way through any obstacles.
  • Not ambitious - tend to be content with their lot; but can nonetheless be successful in business.
  • May be atheist or agnostic when they are younger but embrace a religious faith later on, and become quite evangelical.
  • Enjoy comfort and pleasant surroundings.
  • Will attract success and fame later in life, possibly through some great achievement, possibly in the field of world peace, but then vanish from the spotlight altogether.
  • There may be several minor influences that make them change direction, and one major turning point.
  • Have unusual ideas and plans.
  • Attack problems with ingenuity.
  • Quick to perceive their own mistakes.
  • Can make enemies through being incisive and critical.
  • Careers can include sports, law, preacher, or any risky occupation aimed at helping people in distress.
  • Work towards philosophical ideals; their loyalty is to humanity as a whole.
  • May have sensitive eyes.
  • May drink too much.

Possible Themes
Ideas brought to life; ideals animated.
Fighting for freedom.
Solidarity, devotion, mutual help.


A flag; an eagle; a rock split in two by lightning; a horse and cart; a shield; violets; a dungeon.

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