Saturday, 12 January 2019

A Year of writing prompts: January 12

How to use these prompts

What are these two men talking about?
Who is the woman in purple?
What is she holding in her hand?

  1. "Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend." Agatha Christie
  2. In 1995, a nurse was suspended for taking out a patient's appendix while the doctor was away, even though the patient made a full recovery. Write about someone who steps up to the plate at work and does something way outside of their usual range of duties.
  3. Today is the Feast of Fabulous Wild Men. Make of that what you will.
  4. In 1999, thieves stole a safe from a bus depot in Nottinghamshire only to find it contained nothing but tea bags. Write about a crime where the spoils turn out not to be worth the effort.
  5. On the anniversary of the National Trust, write a story set in a National Trust property.

Character Names
Erno, Ernest, Jack, Jackie, Jacqueline, Jake, Benedict

Character Traits
  • Highly likely to overindulge in food and drink and can lead to their undoing.
  • Are more generous than they can afford to be.
  • Genial and pleasant, with many friends. However, some of their friends will be taking advantage and will disappear when there is no money left.
  • Treat people fairly.
  • Leadership qualities.
  • Like poetry and the arts.
  • Ability to delve deeply into obscure subjects.
  • Prone to extreme optimism and wild expectations, especially when young.
  • Reckless and passionate in love.
  • Extravagant and impulsive.
  • Tend to make hasty decisions.
  • Resonant singing voice.
  • May be religious or spiritual, possibly clairvoyant.
  • Business, politics, art, medicine or astrology are all careers they may be drawn to.
  • Danger from potentially fatal accidents in the home.
  • Danger from bribery.

Possible Themes

Unrewarding relationships.
Medals, trophies and awards.
Political leadership.
Uncontrolled passion.


A blindfold; an overturned wine glass; awards for bravery; a table set for a romantic dinner.

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