Thursday, 24 January 2019

A year of writing prompts: January 24

How to use these prompts

Who are these women? Princesses? Actors?
Cosplayers? Why are they sitting back to back?


  1. In 1957 a hailstone weighing half a kilo landed in front of a butcher's shop in Middlesex. Write an account from the point of view of someone who saw it happen.
  2. "The most depressing day of the year."
  3. It's the birthday of Warren Zevon, who had a hit with "Werewolves of London". Write a story about a werewolf in London.
  4. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." William Congreve
  5. In the French Revolutionary Calendar, it's the day of the Bull. Write a story featuring a bull.

Character Names
Milena, Timothy, Kriss, Felicia, Tim, Florence, Erika

Character Traits
  • Good at things which require physical and mental deftness, such as archery, skating, juggling, acrobatics.
  • Keen eye for fine details, paired with a tendency towards perfectionism, so will spot any technical mistake others make and criticise them for it.
  • Strive for perfection and self improvement in their own lives, too.
  • Enjoy practical jokes and verbal fencing.
  • Careful, methodical and neat.
  • Their ambitions may be focused on things away from their immediate environment, so may travel a lot.
  • Success and fame follows struggle and obscurity.
  • Highly intelligent with artistic ability.
  • Reluctant to lend or borrow anything.
  • Interested in anything new and experimental.
  • May be psychic.
  • Can be difficult to live with as they are argumentative and lack the human touch.
  • Likely careers are teaching, preacher or spiritual teacher, advertising, medicine, aviation, manual crafts or acting.
  • Danger of accidents, especially when travelling by air.
  • Danger of deception or manipulation. These people have great powers of persuasion.

Possible Themes
Singing and chanting.
Manual dexterity; skill; deftness.
Liabilities turning into assets.


Burning grass; a bow and arrow; some sticks; a mask in a mystery play.

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