Thursday, 10 January 2019

A Year of writing prompts: January 10

How to use these prompts

Who is this pilot?
What is his mission?
Where is he going?
Will anyone be going with him?


  1. It's Backwards Day. Write about someone who does something back-to-front, wrong way round or inside-out.
  2. "The die is cast". Julius Caesar
  3. In 1840 the Penny Post was introduced in Britain. 112,000 letters were posted on the first day. What might one of those letters have said?
  4. Rod Stewart's birthday. Write a story based on a Rod Stewart song.
  5. It's Peculiar People Day. Write about a peculiar person.

Character Names

Gregory, Melania, Doris, Carmen, Tatiana, Jonah, Jonas, Joni, Dina, Wilhelm, Sigmund

Character Traits
  • Highly intelligent with excellent memories, capable of deep study and research.
  • Likely to be interested in religion, human sciences, Eastern civilizations and alchemy. Using ancient knowledge to understand current trends may be one of their projects.
  • Can be great reformers in the scientific field, finding solutions to scientific problems, but are in general conservative and not very original.
  • Make great masters, guides or teachers.
  • Dedicated to humanity.
  • Not particularly bothered about personal gain, which means they are not always recognised for their achievements.
  • Good at analysing people.
  • Fluent speakers and writers.
  • Have influential friends.
  • Their romantic lives are subject to ups and downs, but they are hopeful and optimistic which may make all the difference.
  • Danger of being obsessed with something.
  • Tend to expect others to do all the work.

Possible Themes

Culture and knowledge.
Excellence through teamwork.
Knowing when to stop; when to delegate.
Taking turns.


A book; a globe; a ferry; a ruined mansion; a crucible

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