Monday, 9 September 2019

A year of writing prompts: 10 September

How to use these prompts

What might be happening here?


  1. Marie Laveau, the Witch Queen of New Orleans was born in 1801. Write a story featuring her. It can be someone who had dealings with her when she was alive, a story written from her point of view, a story about someone who visits her tomb hoping for a favour from the minor voodoo saint, or a ghost story featuring her spirit.
  2. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walshe
  3. It's sewing machine day. Write a story featuring a sewing machine.
  4. It's Scapegoat Day. Your character is taking the blame for something they didn't do.
  5. National Urban Eden Day is around now, its purpose being to encourage the inclusion of nature in urban areas. Write about a little patch of nature in the middle of a big city.

Character Names
Irma, Nicolette, Albertine, Tiffany, Damien, Damon, Lucas, Bonnie, Oleg

Character Traits
  • Appear gruff, but are honest (often brutally so and tend to be outspoken) and possess much common sense.
  • Sturdy and rugged, a little rough around the edges.
  • Resent anything that encroaches on their freedom or personal space.
  • Their tendency to be harsh critics may manifest in writing. Writing is one possible career.
  • There could also be an interest in agriculture, especially cattle farming. If they do not become farmers they may become lawyers who specialise in agricultural law, or traders in agricultural products.
  • Love nature but are likely to be keen hunters.
  • Interested in economics and the way people share wealth and natural resources.
  • Good at maths and music.
  • Success tends to come later in life.
  • Support noble but unpopular causes.
  • Satisfied with little, can be detached, carefree and even careless. This tendency can result in them becoming victims of circumstance.
  • Patient and persistent.
  • Generous - want to share what they have with others.
  • Tendency to be a bad loser, to see everyone as competition. There is also a danger of bad sportsmanship.

Possible Themes
Big things and little things trading places.
Training and practice.
Demonstration of abilities.
Keeping one's head above water.


A cattle market; a swimming race; a horse and cart; manure; a fire breathing dragon the size of a mouse.

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