Friday, 20 September 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: 22 September

How to use these prompts

What's happening here?
What happens next?


  1. 1791 saw the birth of Michael Faraday, pioneer in the use of electricity. Write a story featuring electricity.
  2. "You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever." Larry Anderson
  3. On Elephant Appreciation Day, write a story featuring an elephant.
  4. It's Hobbit Day. Write a story about hobbits.
  5. For Autumn Equinox, write a story, essay or poem on the theme of Autumn.

Character Names
Darina, Marisa, Thomas, Morris, Whitney, Morgan

Character Traits
  • Tend to be over-protective of family members.
  • Interested in weaponry and martial arts.
  • Expend a lot of energy defending what is right, violently if necessary.
  • Strong and active.
  • May not marry, and if they do, it may not work out well.
  • Interested in psychology and sociology but not always mindful of the feelings of others, and doesn't care what they think.
  • Scrupulously honest and rigidly just.
  • Intelligent; always planning and scheming.
  • May be either undernourished or overweight.
  • Their life will be filled with strange happenings, obstacles and sorrows.
  • Danger of hand injuries.
  • Their severe self-righteousness can lead to dangerous situations involving violence with the danger of injury to themselves or others.
  • Make excellent vets, with a particular gift for healing horses.
  • Otherwise, a career in trade or sales may beckon.

Possible Themes
Ego and intelligence.
Planning and scheming.
Beauty; fragility. Beauty made immortal.
Moments frozen in time.


A butterfly preserved in a case; a sword; a dagger; a pistol; a lion; fat Italian ladies making bread; a child with a butterfly net.

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