Wednesday, 11 September 2019

A year of writing prompts: 12 September

How to use these prompts

Two friends, student room mates, perhaps? Or brothers?
Where is the one in the suit going?


  1. Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Charles Dudley Warner
  2. A swimming race.
  3. Write a story about verbal talents, kinship, unity and/or community.
  4. September.
  5. Members of a church are preparing for the annual harvest festival service.

Character Names
Marie, Maria, Eva, Evita, Adele, Adeline, Boyd, Guy, Asa

Character Traits
  • If they are not born rich, they will become rich, and will be preoccupied with hanging on to their wealth - taking account of every penny spent, and being careful.
  • Always on the look out for a bargain.
  • Will always sell to the highest bidder with no respect for previous loyalties or promises.
  • Want money for money's sake rather than to furnish a comfortable life.
  • Speculations in food or raw materials will be lucky for them. Careers in the food and beverage industries a distinct possibility, or any industry where purity is required.
  • Talent for mimicry.
  • Interest in health and nutrition.
  • Large build and pompous demeanour.
  • Sharp intellect - grasp ideas quickly.
  • Good at communicating with others.
  • Fun loving and romantic.
  • Resourceful and determined.
  • May have the soul of a poet, but forced by circumstance to act in a more prosaic manner.
  • Bitchiness and rivalry may feature in their lives and cause problems.
  • Prone to tantrums.

Possible Themes
Gifts from the gods.
Team effort.
Stirring things up by sensational means.
Team games and sport.


A girls' basketball team; bags of money; an ostrich; a dark river; a distant bell; an anarchist; a bomb.

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