Friday, 20 September 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: 27 September

How to use these prompts

Telescope or microscope?
Watching or being watched?


  1. "I'm not running away, I'm moving on." Irvine Welsh
  2. Ancestor Appreciation Day is a day to learn about your family tree. Your character sets out to research their family tree and finds out something extremely surprising about one of their ancestors.
  3. It's World Heart Day. Write about something featuring hearts. Some suggestions: Heart surgery, heart transplants, hearts and flowers, broken hearts, the heart of the matter.
  4. In 2016, scientists perfected mitochondrial donation, allowing for a baby to be born who had three biological parents. Your character has three parents. Perhaps they are a product of this technology. How does having three parents affect their life? Or perhaps they belong to a race of aliens in which three beings are required to produce offspring. What does that society look like?
  5. Irvine Welsh was born in 1961. His most famous book is Trainspotting. Write a story featuring train spotters.

Character Names
Jonas, Albert, Ronald, Adolf, Marina, Heath, Damian, Barry, Cyprian, Dagmar

Character Traits
  • The second half of their life is more prosperous than the first.
  • Hard working and loyal.
  • May become a partner in the business they work in; may marry one of the boss's children.
  • Quick, adaptive minds, but not particularly original.
  • Enjoy writing, speaking and travelling.
  • Conservative people who cherish the past. Opposed to anything new on principle. May believe things cannot be changed.
  • May be fond of antiques and be a collector. Equally, they could be hoarders of old junk.
  • Patient and enduring.
  • Believers in force and discipline. Can be cruel or violent.
  • May have some psychic awareness.
  • Romantics who fall in lover powerfully, but not always practically.
  • Self-indulgent.
  • Prefer working alone.
  • Attracted to work of a pioneering nature; will do well in the film industry, writing or publishing, building or working as a clairvoyant.
  • Can be narrow-minded.
  • Tendency to focus on, and therefore manifest, the negative.

Possible Themes
Manifestation; making things happen. 
Success through hard work.


Haystacks; an ancient inn with an old fashioned signboard; a half opened rose; a gateway into a garden.

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