Friday, 20 September 2019

A year of writing prompts: 28 September

How to use these prompts

Write about the people who live near or visit this lake.
What is the story behind the sculpture?


  1. "Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." Confucious
  2. Today is National Good Neighbour Day. Write a story about a good neighbour.
  3. In 1542 the first European landed in the present day state of California. Write a story with a Californian theme. You can set it in Hollywood, San Francisco, Disneyland or any other part of the state you know or which takes your fancy.
  4. In 1995, a tortoise named Chester turned up near his owner's home after being missing for 35 years. Tell the story of some of the adventures Chester may have had during that time.
  5. It's Ask a Stupid Question Day. Your character asks a stupid question.

Character Names
Kaira, Lana, Sergei, Svetlana, Selma, Milton, Marek, Leonard

Character Traits
  • Strange things may happen to them.
  • Often psychic or intuitive.
  • Idealistic and romantic; easily led astray by the opposite sex. May end up being hurt or taken advantage of.
  • Have a strong interest in religion or sociology.
  • Can be over assertive and possibly intolerant.
  • May feel the need to serve others and even sacrifice themselves for a cause.
  • May feel they have a great message to spread, and they will travel extensively to do so. They will be prepared to put themselves in danger.
  • Sociable and able to create a harmonious atmosphere with others.
  • May have a physical disability.
  • Sometimes have trust issues.
  • Appear defenceless but have an inner strength and vigilance.
  • Tendency to project their dark side onto others and make scapegoats of them.
  • Interested in conspiracy theories and have a tendency to exaggerate dangers. Perhaps a little paranoid.
  • May become a singer or dancer.
  • Danger of severe injuries from fire or sword.
  • A scandal may be their downfall.
  • Need to beware of protection rackets.

Possible Themes
Sacred union.
Ambition and progress.
Nurturing and protecting. 
The balance between conservation and development.


Chickens; hawks; a ring; a scroll covered with writing; a dolphin.

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