Saturday, 14 September 2019

A year of writing prompts: 15 September

How to use these prompts

What is this tower for?
Who or what is it designed to keep in (or out?)
Who are the people keeping watch inside?


  1. Britain's longest footpath opened in 1999, stretching from Scotland to Dover. Write about some people going for a long walk.
  2. The world's largest shopping mall opened in 1981 in Alberta, Canada. Your characters go shopping in a large mall.
  3. There are a couple of hat related celebrations today – Felt Hat Day and Make a Hat Day. Write a story featuring a hat.
  4. Every murderer is probably somebody's old friend.” Agatha Christie
  5. Since it is Agatha Christie's birthday, have a go at a murder mystery set in an old mansion where a group of disparate characters have gathered for a party or meeting of some kind. One of them is found murdered. One of the others must have done it. Which one?

Character Names
Sirpa, Nikita, Melitta, Nicodemus, Sandra, Eugenia, Kara, Eldon, Jeremy, Sigrid

Character Traits
  • Possibility of estrangement from family, by becoming an exile or outlaw.
  • There may be a curtailment of liberty, possibly due to a lack of morals but could also be for political reasons or sheer bad luck.
  • May suffer melancholic moods and use music as an outlet for them. They may make a career in music and achieve fame, but not necessarily wealth.
  • Good at detailed work and communication, but are not original thinkers.
  • Diffident and shy.
  • Stubborn to the extent of risking their own undoing.
  • Tend to be misanthropic and unsociable, but may enjoy the company of other fiery people.
  • May use occult powers to influence people. They have a natural skill to dazzle groups of people.
  • Tend to be sedentary without much self-drive.
  • May rebel against social rules or gender roles.
  • Desire world peace and understanding between people.
  • May suffer from eye problems or impaired sight.
  • Danger of addiction or dependence.
  • Stalking and paranoia may feature in their lives.

Possible Themes
Solitude, seclusion, stillness, escapism.
Kindness and friendship.
Bonds between pets and their owners.

A little white lamb; a goose; a castle; a shepherd; a piano concert; a giant; a silver trident; a children's playhouse.

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