Friday, 20 September 2019

A year of writing prompts: 29 September

How to use these prompts

Seedy club or holiday entertainment?
Tell the story.


  1. "I'll not listen to reason. Reason always means what someone else has got to say." Elizabeth Gaskell
  2. It's National Coffee Day. Write a scene in which two characters have a cup of coffee together.
  3. It's All Angels Day. Write a story featuring an angel, or angels.
  4. It looks like the summer is over.
  5. It's Michaelmas, or St Michael's day. He is patron of grocers, paramedics, mountains and high places, police officers, security guards, artists, bakers, boatmen, dying people, Cornwall and swordsmiths. Choose one or more of these things to write a story about.

    Character Names
    Michael, Mika, Mickey, Mike, Michaela, Michelle, Miguel, Myles, Mitchell, Kayla

Character Traits
  • Love is important to them. There is a tendency to love secretly and silently as well as passionately. Unrequited love and loneliness are possible.
  • Know what they need to do to succeed in life and work hard to develop their tools, talents and resources.
  • Given to speculation and risk losing their possessions through it.
  • May suffer bereavement at an early age and have few family ties as a result.
  • Inquisitive.
  • May be drawn to jewellery or dance.
  • May be lovers of danger with a taste for picking fights and taking risks. There is a risk of an early death through resorting to violence.
  • They are reformers who want to hunt down dark or hidden forces in society and to educate people.
  • May work with paints, chemicals or perfumes. Behind the scenes positions in the entertainment industry are another possibility.
  • Sensitive and melancholy.
  • May believe in witchcraft.
  • Keep themselves busy.

Possible Themes
Animal life.
Holiday homes; homes rarely visited.
Fertility issues.


A blazing fireplace in an otherwise deserted home; a double edged sword; a large financial institution; a grave; a vast junkyard; a person's shadow.

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