Thursday, 31 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 31 October

How to use these prompts

White a story set in this graveyard.


  1. It's Halloween - so write a horror story and/or a ghost story.
  2. Write a funny story about a witch doing everyday things in the modern world, like shopping or going on holiday, in a witchy way. For example, she drives to the shops on a broomstick, and so on.
  3. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." John Keats
  4. "We're going trick or treating. What can possibly go wrong?"
  5. On this day it's said the veil between this world and the next is thinner than usual. Your character decides to try and communicate with someone on the other side.

Character Names
Arto, Artu, Wolfgang, Landon, Audrey, Urban, Aurelia, Edith, Edgar

Character Traits
  • Have the ability to see and converse with supernatural beings. Gift of clairvoyance. Interest in the occult and the mysteries of life.
  • Have a strong need to love and be loved. Faithful in love but can be jealous.
  • Strong ties with home.
  • Creative, with a particular aptitude for drama and mime.
  • Prone to exaggerate and may not always be completely honest with others. Deception is possible.
  • Tendency to worry over nothing and be subject to imaginary fears. However, they may overlook any perceived danger when following a path that they love.
  • Love the simple things in life - flowers, countryside, children.
  • Act poor when they have money and act wealthy when they are poor. May suffer reversals of fortune.
  • Good at matching people to the right tasks in co-operative ventures.
  • Interest in genealogy.
  • Sensitive and empathetic.
  • Actions marked by gentleness and feeling.
  • Possible careers - administrator or arbiter, industry, and difficult vocations.
  • May suffer from asthma or bronchitis.

Possible Themes
Protection and prevention. 
Help in a crisis.


A hare; a gun; a scorpion; a lamb; an old, moss covered wall; gnarled, twisted trees.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 30 October

How to use these prompts

Whose sitting room is this?
Tell their story.


  1. Today is Look in the Back of Your Refrigerator Day, or Haunted Refrigerator Night. It advocates looking to see what is lurking in the back of your fridge the night before Halloween. Your character follows this advice. What do they find?
  2. It was this date in 1938 when a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells War of the Worlds caused widespread panic in the US when people tuning in part way through the broadcast thought it was real. Write a story in which characters hear this, or a similar fictional radio or TV programme and believe it is real. What do they do?
  3. It's Create a Great Funeral Day. Write about a funeral. Whose funeral is it? Who shows up? What music/readings are chosen? Is it a burial or a cremation? Does anything unusual happen?
  4. "The future is not what it used to be." Paul Valery
  5. Grace Slick, American singer-songwriter born this date in 1939 once commented that if you can remember the sixties, you weren't there. Whether you were there or not, write a story set in the 1960s. You might want to include the Beatles, the Kennedy Assassination, the Moon landings, drug /hippy culture or anything else you might remember or have been told about.

Character Names
Alphonse, Nadine, Ulla, Simon, Simone, Herbert, Zenobia, Elsa, Elsie

Character Traits
  • Have progressive or unorthodox ideas about marriage and family. May be drawn to communal living.
  • Work well in groups, but can still manage to avoid commitment or obligation.
  • Has many friends; companionship is important but they can be somewhat reclusive at heart.
  • Affectionate but fickle in love.
  • Can be silent and secretive, with a fondness for secret studies. Can be sarcastic and critical.
  • Capable of playing a role for both good and evil reasons.
  • Can be deceptive, but not always for malicious reasons. Often it is playful, about keeping people guessing.
  • Intuitive, mathematical mind. May make significant discoveries.
  • Spend money as fast as they make it.
  • Loyal and respectful of family backgrounds, but can also be rebellious and stretch rules.
  • Design and manufacturing of costumes may be a career they are drawn to; or acting, teaching - especially maths or science, troubleshooting in business.
  • Tendency towards misfortune. May drink too much.
  • Tend to live in the past.
  • Need to beware of gossip.

Possible Themes
The ultimate challenge.
Facing Death. 
Past life connections.
Reunions and memories.


A mask; a compass; a spinning star; a wart on someone's nose; a diamond.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 29 October

How to use these prompts

How did the scorpion come to be in the case?
Will it stay there?


  1. "The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made." Jean Giraudoux
  2. Today is celebrated as the Internet's birthday in America. Write a story in which the Internet plays a significant role.
  3. World Priest Day is celebrated around now. Write a story in which the central character is a priest.
  4. In 1990 the sitcom Keeping Up Appearances featuring the snooty Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) was first broadcast. Write a story in which the central character is an unbelievable snob, or a friend/neighbour/relative/colleague who has to deal with one on a day to day basis.
  5. Write a story about a group, family or individual preparing for Halloween - shopping for pumpkins, baking spooky cakes, sending out party invitations, preparing trick or treat costumes. Something funny happens. It can be funny peculiar or funny ha ha, your choice.

Character Names
Sylvie, Alfred, Elvis, Fortuna, Violetta, Clarice, Clarissa, Claire, Clara, Clarence, Viola, Vivi

Character Traits
  • May have had an unlucky childhood, characterised by parents who withheld affection, possibly even to the point of neglect. Alternatively they may have lost one or both parents at an early age. As adults, may adopt a child.
  • Even if they had affectionate parents, they often believe themselves to have been neglected or misunderstood, and spend a lot of time with another adult, possibly a servant or employee of their parents.
  • Frail constitution and lop sided spiritual/emotional development.
  • Good members of society who often become benefactors.
  • A woman will come to their aid financially.
  • Restless and spontaneous, prone to getting sudden ideas. Irreverent.
  • Fond of ancient lore, art, poetry and old fashioned lifestyles.
  • May be drawn to life in a large institution or religious community.
  • Passive and submissive, but can appear aggressive.
  • Tend to become fixated on unimportant things.
  • Likely to work for charities or in humanitarian fields. Good at dealing with the public. Acting or dentistry are other possible careers,
  • Can be paranoid. Have a fear of pain.
  • May drink too much.

Possible Themes
Making people deal with issues they'd rather ignore, before they get out of hand.


A dentist; a child in rags; a fallen nest and fledglings; a child in a tub; a sheaf of corn; an ancient warship; a hand with 6 fingers.

Monday, 28 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 28 October

How to use these prompts

A Halloween party? Trick or treat?
Who are these people?
What pranks might they get up to?
What are the consequences?


  1. In 1886 the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbour. Write a story in which the Statue of Liberty features. Perhaps your characters visit it; perhaps they are immigrants for whom the statue is their first sight of America. Perhaps your story is a thriller in which there is a plot to blow it up.
  2. Tonight is the Night of Remembrance for Family Pets. Write about your first and/or favourite pet, or that of your character.
  3. "Where can we hide in fair weather, we orphans of the storm?" Evelyn Waugh
  4. According to folklore, rain on this day has altered history by interfering with well-laid plans. Write a story in which rain alters the course of history, either of a nation (rain on a battlefield for example); a sporting team (whose performance is affected by rain); or an individual who has to alter their plans because of bad weather.
  5. Today is little Orphan Annie's birthday. She was left at an orphanage with half a silver locket round her neck and a note saying that one day her family will return for her with the other half of the locket. Write a story about a child left at an orphanage. Why is the child left? What, if anything, is left with them? Is there any kind of note? Do the family return to claim the child? Or is it left to the child, as an adult, to discover their origins for themselves?

Character Names
Simon, Simonetta, Antonina, Nina, Reginald, Reynaldo, Stacey, Simone

Character Traits
  • Live for the day; are extravagant and wasteful and dive headlong into love affairs, intrigues and adventures without considering the consequences. This could include crime.
  • May marry someone better off than themselves, but there's a tendency to be jealous or unfaithful.
  • Intelligent and progressive.
  • Interested in alternative methods of education.
  • Have a desire to dominate others, which can lead them towards dark forces.
  • Like to be the centre of attention.
  • Self-centred and materialistic.
  • Impatient and emotional.
  • Attracted to others like themselves which often leads to squabbles over trifles.
  • Good physique, strong, with athletic ability - which they like to flaunt.
  • Any career they follow must be interesting and involve co-operation with others.
  • Enjoy debates and discussions but are not verbose.

  • May suffer from problems with their eyes.
  • Co-dependence is possible.
  • Need to beware of things which are not what they seem.

Possible Themes
Mirrors and reflections.


A silvery moon shining on a lake; a magnificent rooster and chickens; a comet; a bundle of papers; an archer; two cobras.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 27 October

How to use these prompts

Who might live here?
Who or what might be about to come down,
or go up, the steps?


  1. It's Big Bang Day, Write about a big bang - an explosion, something bursting, a gun shot - whatever you like as long as it makes a big bang.
  2. "It was comforting to know I had fallen and could fall no farther." Sylvia Plath
  3. It's Black Cat Day, In some parts of the world, black cats are seen as lucky; in others, they are bad omens. Black cats often spend longer at rescue centres because people are reluctant to adopt them. Write a story featuring a black cat - whether the cat is a good omen or a bad one is up to you. Perhaps it's an orphan kitten up for adoption and prospective owners are persuaded to take it - does this change their opinion on whether black cats are lucky or not?
  4. "Success didn't spoil me - I've always been insufferable." Fran Leibowitz. Your character has reached the pinnacle of their success. Has their character changed as a result? Did they get better, or worse, or not change at all?
  5. Today's guardian angel, Veuliah, helps reunite loved ones who have drifted apart. Your characters have drifted apart. How are they brought back together?

Character Names
Zoe, Hella, Helen, Sabina, Lita, Vincent, Theodore, Teddy, Dee, Ina

Character Traits
  • Likely to get rich by sheer luck - an unexpected legacy, finding hidden treasure and suchlike.
  • Will have a rich inner life of feelings and ideas.
  • Prefer to be their own boss.
  • Favoured occupations involve dealing with rare objects, precious stones, ores, or anything buried in the earth, such as mining or archaeology. Could also go into medicine, surgery, chemistry or food.
  • Are honest and straightforward, disliking anything superficial.
  • Can appear innocent and childlike, even into old age, but at the same time there is a dignity to them, and a solid centre. Expect others to take care of them.
  • Love the sea.
  • Value their own freedom and that of others.
  • Can be secretive and appear mysterious to those around them.
  • Can be changeable and unreliable.
  • Expensive tastes.
  • Make fiery, impulsive activists, with strength and enthusiasm. May receive honours and rewards.
  • Can get into things over their heads which can lead to involvement with violence, even sudden death.
  • Problems caused by lack of light or air.

Possible Themes
Trust, reliability.
Tumultuous changes. 
Unconscious energies, hidden wonders.


A diamond; a spade; deep sea divers; a purse; a cup; a winged horse; a fortress; a cave; a top hat and cane; a toddler.

Saturday, 26 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 26 October

How to use these prompts

Who is this? Who or what is she hiding from?


  1. "I hope for nothing, I fear nothing. I am free." Nikos Kazantzakis
  2. On the day commemorating Alfred the Great, write a funny story about a cooking disaster.
  3. It's howl at the moon day. Your tale could be about a wolf or a werewolf, or someone who feels the need to howl at the moon for another reason.
  4. In 2000, two mathematicians solved a puzzle in 7 months and claimed the million pound prize. The problem was, the puzzle's creator had expected it would take two years for the puzzle to be solved and had to sell his house to cover the prize. Write a story in which solving a puzzle or problem has unexpected results.
  5. Around this time, the clocks go back an hour and Greenwich Mean Time is restored for winter. Your character forgets, and arrives somewhere an hour too early. Write about the consequences this has for your character. What happens in the extra hour they have to wait for their plane/train/meeting?

Character Names
Eric, Amanda, Mandy, Randall, Randolph, Randy, Raul, Camille, Demeter

Character Traits
  • Persistent.
  • Pay attention to detail but nevertheless have a whimsical side and can even be lazy at times.
  • Work quietly, patiently and steadfastly but not always with enthusiasm. There is a tendency to give up on undertakings before they have finished. That said, they can on occasion take on and complete challenging and difficult tasks.
  • Can get bogged down with details.
  • Possible gift for healing.
  • Like the simple beauties of life.
  • Sensitive people who dislike noisy environments and boisterous people.
  • May suffer internal battles between sensuality and spirituality.
  • Their social status can fluctuate with deceit and slander a real danger. However, if they fall from grace they are capable of rising again.
  • Thick bodied, dark in colouring. Strong, but can be clumsy.
  • Can find it hard to maintain self-control. Violence is a danger.
  • Forceful characters who will not be easily imposed upon.
  • Possible careers include botany, or horticulture. There is a possibility they will have a new species of flower or fruit named after them.
  • They may also go into medicine, the military, or police sciences.
  • They need to beware of going on wild goose chases.

Possible Themes
Exposing mysteries. 
Prying, eavesdropping.
Causes, missions, pilgrimages, migration.
Rebellion; leaving home.


A bridled donkey, kicking; a well maintained garden; an eagle with a snake in its beak; a mound of earth and stones; a pistol; a detective; thieves; a gold rush.

Friday, 25 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 25 October

How to use these prompts

What's happening here? Who is the hooded figure?
What might be in all the bottles and jugs?


  1. "There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats." Pablo Picasso
  2. According to legend, a new pair of shoes bought on this date will bring good luck to their owner. Write a story based on this legend.
  3. It's World Pasta Day and World Pizza Maker's Day. Write a story featuring Italian food.
  4. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth.
  5. Mother-in-Law Day is celebrated around now. Describe your character's relationship with his or her mother-in-law.

Character Names
Bianca, Blanca, Beatrice, Inga, Bonnie, Colton, Kryspin, Aurel

Character Traits
  • Spontaneous and active. They often start worthy projects and work hard on them at the beginning but have a tendency to not think them through, so they often fail.
  • See each failure as a step towards eventual success.
  • Restless, with fast changing moods.
  • Critical and hard to please.
  • Can be tactless and even brutal towards others at times. Their attitude can isolate them from others and make it difficult for them to get people to co-operate with them. Family and friends respect them in spite of this.
  • Have a quick temper - no-one is ever sure how they will react.
  • Usually successful in their work and will earn a high salary, but due to their restless nature, may change jobs frequently.
  • Good eyesight and a sensitive touch.
  • Rich tastes. Excesses can lead them into serious trouble.
  • May go into business, or medicine, particularly surgery; or may become teachers of difficult subjects.
  • Authoritative, stubborn and inflexible.
  • May experience misfortune as a result of natural disasters or political upheavals.
  • Danger of injury from fire, especially to the legs. Shooting themselves in the foot, literally or figuratively.

Possible Themes
Social isolation.
Enduring realities.
Testing one's limits.


A rocky shore, pounded by the sea; a wheat field destroyed by a storm; a legless man; an axe; an ancient temple; electricity; an Egyptian queen; a trefoil.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 24 October

How to use these prompts

What is lurking in the cave?
What is the hero going to do about it?


  1. On the birthday of the Kray Twins, write a story set in the criminal underbelly of a city.
  2. "Matter of internal security - the age old cry of the oppressor." Gene Roddenberry
  3. It's Evil Villain Appreciation Day. Take an evil villain: a historical figure generally accepted as evil, or a character you've invented. Write about them in a sympathetic way. Bear in mind the villain always sees him or her self as the hero in their own world; they believe what they're doing is right, or even good. It's also said the wicked queens are the princesses who were never rescued. No human being is 100% evil or good. Explore your villain's redeeming features, eg, they hate people but love animals. Perhaps their evil deeds towards people stem from humanity's cruelty to animals unable to defend themselves. Do they do what they do for the good of their family, country, political party? Are they fuelled by a desire for revenge?
  4. In 1843, fourteen workmen sat down for a steak dinner to celebrate the completion of their project. What was unusual was that they were on top of Nelson's column, before the statue was put in place, 145 feet off the ground. Write a story about this meal, or a similar one taking place on a fictitious monument. What do the diners talk about? Do they leave anything behind? Does anything go horribly wrong? Who forgot the salt?
  5. In the film ET, this is the date ET is left behind in order to be befriended by a human boy. Write a new version of the story but with a twist - a human child is left behind accidentally on an alien planet and is befriended by young aliens.

Character Names
Nina, Asmo, Renate, Gilbert, Mark, Marc, Marcus, Marcel, Marcella, Marcia, Marco, Marlon, Marsha, Marian, Raphael

Character Traits
  • Refined tastes and likely to have an artistic talent of some kind.
  • Cheerful disposition - rarely worry. Usually have happy and trouble free lives.
  • May have a mystical bent, but their preferred way to seek enlightenment is through love, not asceticism.
  • Pacifists at heart, but will fight for a cause they believe is right. Gentle, but firm.
  • Cool headed and deductive. Tend not to act until they are sure they know what they are doing and have planned everything carefully.
  • Want to be leaders but do not have confidence in their ability to do so.
  • Will be close to their siblings and have many friends.
  • Would do well in business, politics, writing, music or the arts. Once embarked on a career they are faithful to it and likely to succeed.
  • Can become self-obsessed. Can become confused about their reactions or about who they really are.
  • Danger of indulging in hallucinogenic drugs.

Possible Themes
Ghosts, spirits, 
Gothic tales

A candle; a harpsichord; a laurel wreath; palette and brushes; violins; a lyre; a zither; a sword; a tornado; a spooky castle.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 23 October

How to use these prompts

Who lives in this building?
Could it be haunted?
What might the white blob on the right be?


  1. It's TV Talk Show Host Day. Write a story featuring a talk show host.
  2. It's the Feast of Forgotten Gods. A little known and virtually forgotten god decides it's time humanity remembered him. Or her.
  3. "When first we met we did not guess that Love would prove so hard a master." Robert Seymour Bridges
  4. "A Sting in the Tail."
  5. It's Mole Day. Write a story featuring a mole.

Character Names
Theodore, Sadie, Sally, Sarah, Sarina, Kala, Humberto, Severin

Character Traits
  • Intelligent and imaginative.
  • Tolerant, willing to accept the complexities of human nature.
  • May be somewhat shy and prefer to be alone. A contemplative life may suit them - not necessarily religious - they may go into science or philosophy and be thinkers or researchers. They will be highly respected in their field without having to speak out much.
  • Travel is likely, possibly pilgrimages.
  • Will fight for causes they feel are right, but will use pacifist methods.
  • Have expensive tastes and enjoy comforts; however, they can in some cases become vagrants or beggars.
  • Deep thinkers who are slow to act. Will not take action until they have checked every angle and possibility.
  • Will remain true to themselves.
  • Generally lucky in love but may get the feeling that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence at times.
  • If they get involved in occult practices they can become fatalistic.

Possible Themes
Community – building, ties, neighbours.
Co-operation, teamwork.
Buying or building houses.
Patience, perseverance.
Slow maturing.


A canal; a mystic; a blacksmith; pigs; a radio; a house raising party; a tree.