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You choose whether your story takes place among the ruins, or if it is set in the days when the buildings were intact. |
- It's Older People's Day. Write a story in which the central character is an elderly person.
- "Time is a dressmaker specialising in alterations." Faith Baldwin
- 1995 was Metrication Day, when most, but not all, things had to be sold in metric units instead of the old imperial ones. There were a few exceptions such as pints of beer. Write a story in which someone buys or sells something using the wrong measurement, eg 10 inches instead of 10 centimetres.
- In 1880 the Edison Lamp Works started producing light bulbs. Write a story featuring light bulbs, and/or light bulb moments.
- In 1939 Winston Churchill described Soviet policy as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Write a story about something your character finds completely incomprehensible.
Rainier, Raine, Malvin, Lara, Archie, Arnold, Aubrey, Theresa, Ragnar
- As children, they may be spoiled or left to their own devices which leads to them becoming a "wild child".
- There could be trouble with the law or a need of psychiatric help.
- Detached and objective; know where courses of action are likely to lead.
- Have simple tastes - prefer the simplicity of nature to unnecessary luxury.
- Chance of bad luck in marriage - may be widowed young or separated.
- Vicious in pursuit of their goals, but usually achieve them.
- May have a sense of inferiority or a negative attitude.
- Preoccupied with lower forms of humanity and under-privilege - either through an interest in sociology or through living in an underprivileged environment at some stage.
- May be religious and possibly drawn to a solitary life. Interested in the origins of religion and mythology.
- Tend to be profound thinkers with a serious attitude.
- May have a tendency to dress in black.
- Often uncover what others miss or fail to see.
- Possibility of serving time in prison or being forcibly restrained in some way.
- May suffer from spinal problems or heart problems.
- Major losses and problems often arise through their contact with women.
A canoe; a decaying fortress; a gibbet; three crows; a flower garden; a prison door with iron spikes; long nails, perfectly manicured.
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