Friday, 25 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 25 October

How to use these prompts

What's happening here? Who is the hooded figure?
What might be in all the bottles and jugs?


  1. "There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats." Pablo Picasso
  2. According to legend, a new pair of shoes bought on this date will bring good luck to their owner. Write a story based on this legend.
  3. It's World Pasta Day and World Pizza Maker's Day. Write a story featuring Italian food.
  4. When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth.
  5. Mother-in-Law Day is celebrated around now. Describe your character's relationship with his or her mother-in-law.

Character Names
Bianca, Blanca, Beatrice, Inga, Bonnie, Colton, Kryspin, Aurel

Character Traits
  • Spontaneous and active. They often start worthy projects and work hard on them at the beginning but have a tendency to not think them through, so they often fail.
  • See each failure as a step towards eventual success.
  • Restless, with fast changing moods.
  • Critical and hard to please.
  • Can be tactless and even brutal towards others at times. Their attitude can isolate them from others and make it difficult for them to get people to co-operate with them. Family and friends respect them in spite of this.
  • Have a quick temper - no-one is ever sure how they will react.
  • Usually successful in their work and will earn a high salary, but due to their restless nature, may change jobs frequently.
  • Good eyesight and a sensitive touch.
  • Rich tastes. Excesses can lead them into serious trouble.
  • May go into business, or medicine, particularly surgery; or may become teachers of difficult subjects.
  • Authoritative, stubborn and inflexible.
  • May experience misfortune as a result of natural disasters or political upheavals.
  • Danger of injury from fire, especially to the legs. Shooting themselves in the foot, literally or figuratively.

Possible Themes
Social isolation.
Enduring realities.
Testing one's limits.


A rocky shore, pounded by the sea; a wheat field destroyed by a storm; a legless man; an axe; an ancient temple; electricity; an Egyptian queen; a trefoil.

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