Friday, 11 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 12 October

How to use these prompts

Who is this singer?
How did she get her big break?
Perhaps the big break is yet to come.


  1. Aleister Crowley, dubbed "The Wickedest Man in the World" was born in 1875. Write a story about someone people are calling the wickedest person in the world right now. Is the title justified?
  2. "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Dick Gregory
  3. Write about a gang of robbers in hiding.
  4. It's National Kick Butt Day. Write about someone who gets their butt kicked.
  5. St Edwin, whose feast day is today, is the patron of both hoboes and kings. Write a story which features a hobo and a king.

Character Names
Marcel, Kira, Max, Maxine, Maximillian, Lance, Heather, Edwin, Eustace

Character Traits
  • Sociable and entertaining with a tendency to be outspoken.
  • Throw themselves whole-heartedly into life and hold their own in life's struggles.
  • Tendency to take on more than they can handle and not know when to give up.
  • Restless, always seeking wider horizons.
  • Talented, but unlikely to be practical. Start many projects, only to have them fall through due to lack of resources.
  • Hate to be imposed upon and become resentful if their freedom is threatened. Dislike dull, routine work.
  • May have been let down by someone early in life which has made them defensive. Nevertheless they sometimes make unwise decisions in relationships which lead to heartbreak.
  • Women in particular will be very charming.
  • Like to be the centre of attention and do not always consider other people.
  • Fond of sports and travel.
  • Can be given to gossip and scheming.
  • Talent for maths and politics; or may become electricians or researchers.
  • Sunstroke, sunburn and dehydration are dangers - so is drowning.

Possible Themes
Leisure and relaxation.
Finding one's place in a crowd.
False humility.
Mirth and sorrow.


A beach; a dwarf riding a donkey; a broken bridge; a magician; a tug of war contest; a glass of wine; a woman singing.

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