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What is lurking in the cave? What is the hero going to do about it? |
- On the birthday of the Kray Twins, write a story set in the criminal underbelly of a city.
- "Matter of internal security - the age old cry of the oppressor." Gene Roddenberry
- It's Evil Villain Appreciation Day. Take an evil villain: a historical figure generally accepted as evil, or a character you've invented. Write about them in a sympathetic way. Bear in mind the villain always sees him or her self as the hero in their own world; they believe what they're doing is right, or even good. It's also said the wicked queens are the princesses who were never rescued. No human being is 100% evil or good. Explore your villain's redeeming features, eg, they hate people but love animals. Perhaps their evil deeds towards people stem from humanity's cruelty to animals unable to defend themselves. Do they do what they do for the good of their family, country, political party? Are they fuelled by a desire for revenge?
- In 1843, fourteen workmen sat down for a steak dinner to celebrate the completion of their project. What was unusual was that they were on top of Nelson's column, before the statue was put in place, 145 feet off the ground. Write a story about this meal, or a similar one taking place on a fictitious monument. What do the diners talk about? Do they leave anything behind? Does anything go horribly wrong? Who forgot the salt?
- In the film ET, this is the date ET is left behind in order to be befriended by a human boy. Write a new version of the story but with a twist - a human child is left behind accidentally on an alien planet and is befriended by young aliens.
Asmo, Renate, Gilbert, Mark, Marc, Marcus, Marcel, Marcella, Marcia,
Marco, Marlon, Marsha, Marian, Raphael
- Refined tastes and likely to have an artistic talent of some kind.
- Cheerful disposition - rarely worry. Usually have happy and trouble free lives.
- May have a mystical bent, but their preferred way to seek enlightenment is through love, not asceticism.
- Pacifists at heart, but will fight for a cause they believe is right. Gentle, but firm.
- Cool headed and deductive. Tend not to act until they are sure they know what they are doing and have planned everything carefully.
- Want to be leaders but do not have confidence in their ability to do so.
- Will be close to their siblings and have many friends.
- Would do well in business, politics, writing, music or the arts. Once embarked on a career they are faithful to it and likely to succeed.
- Can become self-obsessed. Can become confused about their reactions or about who they really are.
of indulging in hallucinogenic drugs.
Gothic tales
A candle; a harpsichord; a laurel wreath; palette and brushes; violins; a lyre; a zither; a sword; a tornado; a spooky castle.
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