Friday, 18 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 18 October

How to use these prompts

Who are these people?
How do they know each other?
What are the sinister things watching them from
behind the bushes?


  1. "To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." Thomas Edison
  2. It's Long Distance Day. Write about something long distance. A phone call, a relationship, a journey, or anything else you can think of.
  3. The first cocktail was served in 1776. Write a story set in a cocktail bar.
  4. "The eighteenth of October, a time when these strange events began to move swiftly towards their terrible conclusion." Arthur Conan Doyle
  5. In terms of goddess months, we are currently in the month of Hathor. Hathor is an Egyptian goddess of the sun, energy, dance, music, touch, the sensual and the sacred; she is the protector of women in business. Choose one or more of the above to write about.

Character Names
Lucas, Sade, Roland, Ronald, Marshall, Delia, Julian, Luke, Matteus

Character Traits
  • Devoted to work and family, and like their cosy home comforts.
  • Will always find the time to help their friends and people in distress. Champions of the underdog.
  • Enjoy good health.
  • Kind to animals.
  • Strong and courageous, calm in a crisis. However, this can be because they have simply not realised the seriousness of the situation.
  • Sharp intelligence and a talent for scientific thinking.
  • Able to organise and lead.
  • Fond of children.
  • Need to concentrate on one task at a time - not good at multi-tasking.
  • Slow to anger, but can become violent when aroused.
  • Steadfast and enduring, but not very flexible.
  • Good at reading atmospheric conditions and obtaining knowledge from astral sources.
  • Fond of leisure, music and romance.
  • Possible careers - detective or pilot.
  • Career and romance do not always go smoothly.
  • Running out of fuel can be a source of problems and frustration.

Possible Themes
Seeing the bigger picture.
Spacial awareness.
Planes, the view from above.


An aeroplane; a rustic cottage with a pretty garden; a cedar tree; a eucalyptus tree; a rhinoceros; a black leopard; a full moon.

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