Who might live here? Who or what might be about to come down, or go up, the steps? |
- It's Big Bang Day, Write about a big bang - an explosion, something bursting, a gun shot - whatever you like as long as it makes a big bang.
- "It was comforting to know I had fallen and could fall no farther." Sylvia Plath
- It's Black Cat Day, In some parts of the world, black cats are seen as lucky; in others, they are bad omens. Black cats often spend longer at rescue centres because people are reluctant to adopt them. Write a story featuring a black cat - whether the cat is a good omen or a bad one is up to you. Perhaps it's an orphan kitten up for adoption and prospective owners are persuaded to take it - does this change their opinion on whether black cats are lucky or not?
- "Success didn't spoil me - I've always been insufferable." Fran Leibowitz. Your character has reached the pinnacle of their success. Has their character changed as a result? Did they get better, or worse, or not change at all?
- Today's guardian angel, Veuliah, helps reunite loved ones who have drifted apart. Your characters have drifted apart. How are they brought back together?
Hella, Helen, Sabina, Lita, Vincent, Theodore, Teddy, Dee, Ina
- Likely to get rich by sheer luck - an unexpected legacy, finding hidden treasure and suchlike.
- Will have a rich inner life of feelings and ideas.
- Prefer to be their own boss.
- Favoured occupations involve dealing with rare objects, precious stones, ores, or anything buried in the earth, such as mining or archaeology. Could also go into medicine, surgery, chemistry or food.
- Are honest and straightforward, disliking anything superficial.
- Can appear innocent and childlike, even into old age, but at the same time there is a dignity to them, and a solid centre. Expect others to take care of them.
- Love the sea.
- Value their own freedom and that of others.
- Can be secretive and appear mysterious to those around them.
- Can be changeable and unreliable.
- Expensive tastes.
- Make fiery, impulsive activists, with strength and enthusiasm. May receive honours and rewards.
get into things over their heads which can lead to involvement with
violence, even sudden death.
- Problems caused by lack of light or air.
Unconscious energies, hidden wonders.
A diamond; a spade; deep sea divers; a purse; a cup; a winged horse; a fortress; a cave; a top hat and cane; a toddler.
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