Wednesday, 2 October 2019

A year of writing prompts: 2 October

How to use these prompts

What is happening here?
Tell the story.

  1. In 1959, The Twilight Zone was first broadcast on TV. The Twilight Zone is defined as a fifth dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity, in the middle ground between light and shadow, the dimension of imagination. Write a story which could have been an episode of this show.
  2. It's National Young Reader's day. Write a story for children.
  3. "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member." Groucho Marx
  4. Three portraits in a gallery - when the doors close at the end of the day, the portraits speak to one another. What do they say?
  5. October.

Character Names
Oliver, Petra, Ilma, Modeste, Rueben, Ruby, Melody, Louis

Character Traits
  • It is likely that their father comes from a foreign country or may be of a higher status than their mother.
  • There is a chance they never know their father, either because they are illegitimate or their father dies before they are born.
  • Like to live in the country, especially near mountains.
  • Enjoy strenuous sports, such as riding or hunting.
  • Hate having to conform and may be eccentric.
  • Creative and intelligent and likely to have a wide range of knowledge.
  • Diplomatic and patient at their best; at their worst, cunning, hypocritical or cruel.
  • Work hard and with enthusiasm at the beginning of a project but do not always complete what they start.
  • Their intentions are pure, but often their actions turn out not to be.
  • Have expressive eyes and the ability to communicate through them.
  • While they can be self-involved and exaggerate their own problems they do have an insight into the psychology of others.
  • Career-wise they may be drawn to social services, child welfare or hygiene. Teaching is another possibility, or becoming a pastor or leader. Being a shepherd or cattle dealer is also possible.
  • Tendency to be bossy and not notice their own faults and limitations.

Possible Themes
Magic and psychic powers.
Object lessons.
Photography; lenses.


A centaur; a bow and arrows; a shepherd; tea leaves in the shape of a pentagram; a professor.

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