Thursday, 28 February 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: March 1

How to use these prompts

What the heck is this?
(A crab skeleton, actually but use your imagination!)
What happens to the person who finds it?


  1. It's St. David's Day, so write a story featuring leeks, daffodils, dragons and/or anything Welsh you can think of.
  2. "If we see light at the end of the tunnel, it's the light of an oncoming train." Robert Lowell
  3. In 1912, Isabella Goodwin, the first US female detective, was appointed in New York. Write a story featuring a female detective.
  4. In 1784, the first cooking school opened in Britain. Write a story about a cookery lesson.
  5. It's Plan A Solo Vacation Day. Write about someone who, for whatever reason, is planning to make an epic trip by themselves.

Character Names
Albin, Roger, Laverne, Gracelia, Antonia, David, Inez

Character Traits
  • May have experienced a great deal of confusion in their early life.
  • Find it hard to live and let live. They will feel an urge to help or harm others. At best they'll be meddlers who stick their noses into other people's business; at worst, people who will hurt others, including loved ones, just for fun.
  • They are likely to have a close bond with one other person.
  • Find it hard to know themselves without another being to reflect themselves.
  • Animal lovers, who understand the needs of animals. May be a keen horseman.
  • Love the sea.
  • Have a desire to achieve great things, and are capable of doing so but may find it hard to do it alone.
  • Enjoy serving others, and when given a job will want to do it well.
  • A dual nature is possible.
  • May be attracted to careers in building, scientific research or the arts.
  • Weapons of mass destruction could feature in their life at some stage.
  • Possible involvement with domestic violence.
  • Harbouring grudges and following selfish agendas can lead to their downfall.

Possible Themes
Symbols of power.
Harmonious relationships.
Transmission of information from one group to another.
Martial arts.


Ancient sword in a museum; small boat without oars; a bog; a high tower; a radio telescope.

A year of writing prompts: February 29 (leap years only)

How to use these prompts

Who is this?
What is she celebrating?
Where is she?


  1. Today's the day when a woman can traditionally propose marriage to a man. He can refuse but must buy her a new dress or a pair of gloves to soften the blow if he does. Write a story about a woman who proposes to a man on this day. Does he accept? If not, does he pay the penalty? If not, what does the woman do about it?
  2. A plot twist in Pirates of Penzance involves apprentice Pirate Frederick being much younger on paper than in actuality because he was born on February 29. Write about a person born on February 29 who uses the fact they only have a birthday every four years to assert that they are a quarter of the age they appear to be, or who is thwarted by someone else doing so.
  3. A group of men go off on a men only break on February 29 to avoid any potential proposals from their girlfriends.
  4. Write about someone who leaps into action.
  5. Write about something (apart from birthdays or marriage proposals) that only happens every four years on February 29.

Character Names
Roman, Ludoslaw, Radomir

Character Traits
  • Will have felt different from others and found it necessary to compromise.
  • Individualistic and original.
  • Good at detailed and creative work, like sewing.
  • At times, are too critical of others.
  • Work well with children.
  • Interested in nutrition.
  • They are ambitious and have ability but nevertheless may struggle to reach the top of their field. This may be because they are distracted by things outside the workplace, such as love affairs; or their career is cut short for some reason.
  • If they do get to the top, there is a danger of reversal of fortune.
  • Danger of health conditions related to ambition.
  • Business, theatre, astronomy, astrology and image building are possible lines of work.
  • Good at art or writing.
  • Deny their own uniqueness in order to blend in.
  • May be excessively devoted to one person or cause.
  • Indecisive and anxious.
  • Have a fear of failure.
  • Can be arrogant.

Possible Themes
Fear of the future/responsibility.
Initiations and inductions.
Being judged and proving yourself.


Two cones; a wristwatch; a rejected manuscript; a lady's photograph; a ring of flames.

A year of writing prompts: February 28

How to use these prompts

Are these just tourists posing outside Number 10?
Or has the British voting public in their infinite wisdom (or lack thereof) actually elected a five year old as Prime Minister?
Or is something sinister going on?


  1. Ash Wednesday is often around this time. Write about someone giving up something for Lent.
  2. It's National Tooth Fairy Day. Write a children's story about the Tooth Fairy.
  3. "The only practical way yet discovered by the world for curing its ills is to forget about them." Ben Hecht
  4. In the French Revolutionary Calendar today is the day of the spade. Write a story featuring a spade.
  5. Describe a day in early spring.

Character Names
Roderick, Rodrigo, Rod, Amber, Maria, Maja.

Character Traits
  • Commitment-phobes who prize their freedom highly. They become rebellious and uncooperative if their freedom is restricted in any way, and will go to any lengths to avoid entanglement or obligation.
  • Work best independently.
  • Not team players in general and are likely to alienate their friends and family.
  • Nevertheless, if given a mission they will complete it and are devoted to family and country.
  • Usually small in stature, but enjoy good health and long lives.
  • Enjoy sports and lively social situations.
  • Daring to the point of foolhardiness. Adventurous with a contempt for danger.
  • Possibly psychic.
  • Tend to believe in astrology.
  • Enjoy creative work. May also be drawn to religion, law, literature or forensics.
  • May become disillusioned or distracted.
  • Danger of addiction to opiate drugs and may suffer from delusions.
  • Can be narrow-minded.

Possible Themes
Pursuit of enlightenment.
Childhood friendships.
Sticking to a diet or regimen.
Being true to yourself.

A narrow path; a walking stick; a crumbling wall covered in ivy; a wild horse.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: February 27

How to use these prompts

Tell a story about this couple.
How did they meet?
What on Earth is that in his hair?


  1. In 1939, Borley Rectory, Britain's most haunted house, burned down. Time for a spooky story ending with the haunted building being destroyed because there is no other way to stop the supernatural activity.
  2. Shrove Tuesday is often around this time. Write a comical tale of a bunch of people who hold a pancake race with disastrous results.
  3. It's No Brainer Day. Someone has a decision to make, and it seems like a "no brainer". Or is it?
  4. "A journey is like a marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it." John Steinbeck
  5. Spike Milligan died in 2002. His epitaph reads, "I told you I was ill." Write about someone who has reason to say, "I told you so."

Character Names
Alexander, Edina, Clyde, Farrah, Gabriel, Anastasia, Laila

Character Traits
  • Interested in the personal lives of others, and their emotional problems.
  • Very practical, but not always grounded.
  • Attached to their home.
  • Hard workers who are also very efficient.
  • Analytical mind with a gift for exact sciences like physics or chemistry.
  • Tend not to think highly of themselves. Often believe others do not like them.
  • Dramatic, musical or poetic ability.
  • Interested in astrology.
  • Cautious and mistrustful of people and situations they are not familiar with.
  • Often religious but they may not adhere to an established faith because their beliefs have come about from observing nature.
  • Prepared to forego present glory and to rather work for future generations, who will recognise them as trailblazers.
  • Danger from yielding to passion or desires of the lower nature.
  • May use drugs for escapism.

Possible Themes
Transformation of words and ideas into action.
Peace and tranquility.
Flight; aviation.


A jumping horse; a mortar; a deep red star; chemical instruments; a cat; a mouse; cheese.

Monday, 25 February 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: February 26

How to use these prompts

Who is the woman in the film?
Why did the person behind the camera choose to film her?
What of the people in the background? The man with the cart?
What happens next?


  1. In 1830, the first Grand National took place. Write a story featuring a horse race.
  2. It's For Pete's Sake Day. Tell the story of the original Pete and why we do things for his sake.
  3. In 1997, a prisoner tried to escape from a jail in Delaware in a garbage truck, and was crushed to death. Write about a prison escape attempt which goes horribly wrong.
  4. "Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo
  5. In 1256, King Henry III commanded his sheriff to have a house built at the Tower of London for his pet elephant. Write about either an elephant, or a very pampered pet.

Character Names
Evelina, Alexander, Isabel, Victor, Victoria, Vicky

Character Traits
  • Grasp concepts and ideas quickly.
  • Tendency to approach life too intellectually.
  • Have a particularly good understanding of the symbolism of dreams.
  • Reliable, with a strong sense of duty.
  • Fluent speakers with excellent powers of persuasion.
  • Likely to travel a lot, possibly from a young age, for professional or political reasons,which may result in them severing ties with families and friends.
  • Are prepared for everything and rarely thrown off balance. Always up for a challenge, they will have adventures and tackle difficulties but will never boast about it. When they look back on their escapades, they will believe they were never really in danger at all.
  • In later life, they will return home and enjoy a peaceful retirement.
  • They may look older than they actually are as the trials and difficulties they go through may age them prematurely.
  • May get involved with unpopular causes.
  • May have a talent for music, maths, anything requiring dexterity and are good imitators.
  • Tendency to neglect health and diet.
  • Mechanics, electronics, arts, drama, music or poetry are all possible careers.
  • Things they need to watch out for are being over ambitious and jumping the gun.
  • Possible tendency to gamble.

Possible Themes
Travel, escape, discovery, curiosity; new horizons.
Manipulation of power.
Losing and gaining weight.
The value of training.
Speed, exhilaration.

A small cottage with the door open and smoke coming from the chimney; full moon; a vampire; a huntsman's pouch.

A year of writing prompts: February 25

How to use these prompts

Who is this man and what is his relationship to his young guest?
Are his intentions honourable?


  1. "I've only one hobby, and that is my wife." Anthony Burgess
  2. It's National Don't Utter a Word Day and Quiet day. Write about someone who cannot, or will not, speak.
  3. In 1974, Veronica and Colin Scargill set out to ride a tandem around the world. Write a story featuring a tandem bicycle.
  4. In 1859, the insanity plea was first used in court. Write about someone who pleads insanity in order to get away with a crime. Do they get away with it?
  5. In 1902, the first vacuum cleaner was built. Write a story featuring a vacuum cleaner.

Character Names
Liliana, Alma, Grant, Frederick, Fred, Freddie, Federico, Ola

Character Traits
  • Likely to marry early and have long-lasting happiness in love. An unusual pairing, such as an inter-racial marriage, is possible.
  • At their best: resilient and practical with an aptitude for business; likely to achieve great things.
  • At their worst: Childish, unreliable and naive, and likely to screw up the simplest things.
  • May take a long time to make decisions.
  • Nature lovers, especially water. However, there may be dangers connected to water.
  • Musical and mathematical talent.
  • Inclined to overindulge in food or other pleasures.
  • Natural, unaffected people who are friendly and talkative. May have a gift for public speaking.
  • Danger of changes in fortune due to mistakes, overlooking important details or trying to take on too much. They may find themselves having to sell their dearest possession - but it will be valued by the buyer.
  • Brothers will play an important role in their lives.
  • May be drawn to careers in dietetics, business, politics or counselling.
  • Do not always recognise their own weaknesses.

Possible Themes
Calls to action; announcements; advertising.
Heralding the dawn.
Ear plugs and blindfolds.


A bugle; a vat; a belt; fog; heavy rain.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 24

How to use these prompts

Who once lived in this building?
Why was it abandoned?
Does anyone, or anything, live here now?
What might be on the cards for the future?


  1. "The wrong way always seems more reasonable." George Moore
  2. It's National Obnoxious Day. Write about someone obnoxious.
  3. The earliest known lottery was drawn in Belgium in 1446. Write about a lottery.
  4. "That'll Be The Day".
  5. It's the birthday of Wilhelm Grimm, one of the Brothers Grimm. Write a brand new fairy tale. Remember that fairy tales can be quite literally grim.

Character Names
Matthias, Diana, Dina, Sergio, Belinda, Adele

Character Traits
  • Will suffer ups and downs and changes in direction during their life. There may be one major trial which has a marked effect on them spiritually and results in a good deal of spiritual growth.
  • Very intelligent with an insatiable appetite for learning about both intellectual and spiritual matters.
  • Have the patience to pursue goals when many others would give up.
  • Capable of deep concentration in the study of difficult subjects.
  • Emotionally, somewhat changeable. Eager and friendly one minute, cool and distant the next.
  • Tendency to throw tantrums when they don't get their way.
  • May be drawn to spiritualism, witchcraft, shamanism or black magic.
  • Impulsive when it comes to spending money.
  • Tendency to collect strays - animals or people.
  • May be drawn to a career in the food industry, especially seafood catering or fishing. They may publish a cookery book or write a cookery column.
  • Other careers include painting and writing, especially things connected with water, being an usher or doorkeeper, religion, fine arts or science.
  • May suffer from mental illness, most likely an obsession of some kind.
  • Prone to self-pity.
  • Can be absent-minded.
  • Danger from rocks, mist or howling winds on coasts.
  • May suffer dashed hopes or lost faith.

Possible Themes
Generosity; altruism.
Coming to terms with loss or failure.
Signs of hope or recovery.
Darkness and foreboding.
The sea.


A censer; a lamp; a book; a ring of salt on the floor; a large cross lying on rocks by the sea.

Friday, 22 February 2019

A year of Writing Prompts: February 23

How to use these prompts

Superheroes and villains battling on the London tube?
Or is it something else, like a movie set?


  1. "In the little moment that remains to us between the crisis and the catastrophe, we may as well drink a glass of champagne." Paul Claudel
  2. It's Open That Bottle Night. Write about someone who finally opens the bottle of wine they've been saving up for a special occasion.
  3. Today is the feast day of St Polycarp of Smyrna, the saint said by some to be the one to invoke when looking for a parking space. Write about a driver who is looking for a parking space.
  4. In 1886, the London Times published the first classified ad. Write about someone who places, or answers, a classified ad.
  5. Scientists announced that they'd succeeded in cloning a sheep in 1997. Write a story about a clone. The species is entirely up to you.

Character Names
Alfred, Romana, Tatiana, Irvin, Irving, Roman, Damian

Character Traits
  • When they suffer a reversal of fortune, they will be too proud to ask friends for help but will start again from scratch, alone.
  • Believe that hard work is the key to success.
  • Sturdy of constitution.
  • May be born into a family whose fortunes have been reversed, and take it upon themselves to restore the family name to its former glory.
  • Likely to attempt rash things and undertake dangerous missions.
  • Can be brusque and moody and appear unfriendly.
  • A commanding figure. May be a bit of a bully.
  • Unlikely to forget hardships or slights.
  • Their driving force may be a feeling of inferiority, desperation or dissatisfaction with the status quo.
  • Likely to be a good marksman.
  • Like to solve mysteries.
  • Will either hoard money or be reckless with it.
  • May have musical or artistic talents, and enjoy solving mysteries.
  • Work well within large organisations or the military, but not the navy.
  • Would also do well as a keeper or restorer of old things.
  • May have powerful foes who will attack or restrain them in some way.

Possible Themes
Drills, routines, uniforms, parades. National pride.
Solitude, vigilance.
Standing up and being counted.
Law enforcement.


A half-ruined tower overlooking the sea; a shipwreck; an owl; emeralds; a red bandana.

A year of Writing Prompts: February 22

How to use these prompts

Where does this path lead?
Who might be travelling along it, and why?


  1. It's Thinking Day, a day celebrated by Girl Guides all over the world. Write a story about Guides and/or Brownies, or if you prefer, Cubs and/or Scouts.
  2. Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they try to be your friend first.” Steve Irwin
  3. It's George Washington's birthday. Write about someone who cannot tell a lie.
  4. It's Walking the Dog Day. Write about some dog owners who meet every day when they walk their dogs in the park.
  5. Back to Thinking Day for the literal interpretation – write about someone who has a lot of thinking to do.

Character Names
Ariana, Margarita, George, Georgia, Georgina, Gina, Jordi, Marta, Marina, Marlene

Character Traits
  • Friendship is important to them. They are good, generous friends who are often the ones sought after for advice. Difficulties in their life may well involve their friendships.
  • Fond of luxury and good living.
  • Can be diffident or apologetic.
  • Need to be understood and appreciated.
  • Trials in their life tend to be over by the time they are forty, and they will then have the means to indulge their love of good living.
  • Above average intelligence with good organisational skills; possibly a musical or psychic talent.
  • Like to look their best.
  • Have a sense of purpose and will strive to develop the talents they need in order to contribute to society.
  • Charming, sociable and sympathetic, with good manners.
  • Refuse to let anything get them down.
  • Work well in education, mediation, television, as mediums or healers, arts or science. Suited to any career involving speaking and negotiating.
  • May suffer from asthma.
  • At risk of alcohol and drug misuse.

Possible Themes
Spirituality which is open to all.
Selling, bartering and interchange. Bargains.
Volunteering, fundraising.
Jumble sales; second hand clothes.


A buffet; a dark passage; gold nuggets; a table set with food and drink in vessels of gold and silver.