Monday, 11 February 2019

A Year of Writing Prompts: February 12

How to use these prompts

What might the skiers be saying to the snowboarder?


  1. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln
  2. It's Darwin Day. Write a tale about natural selection in action.
  3. In 1877, the telephone was first demonstrated to the public. Write a story about a telephone call.
  4. In 1959, Barbie Dolls first went on sale. Write about a doll which magically comes to life.
  5. It's Lost Penny Day. Write a story about a lost penny.

Character Names
Elma, Livia, Lydia, Karline, Lina, Abraham, Ibrahim, Yvette, Eulalia, Modeste, Julian, Evelina, Evie

Character Traits
  • They are passionate people, and this can get them into serious trouble. There is a danger they might lose control and turn to violence if they are frustrated or things don't go their way. For this reason, they could end up spending time in prison.
  • Some may channel their violent tendencies into violent or dangerous sports which reduces this risk.
  • Defending the honour of their family is another reason they may turn to violence. In this case they may not pick a fight, but if one comes their way they will engage and probably enjoy it.
  • They will most likely calm down and realise that aggression is pointless as they grow older.
  • Humanitarian, with a desire to alleviate human suffering, and will do charitable works - however, they like to be seen doing them.
  • Fond of historical research and historical novels.
  • Can be sarcastic and blunt.
  • Love the land, nature and beauty but have a territorial streak.
  • Usually attractive and find it hard to remain faithful to one partner.
  • They may find themselves playing a role which takes over their life.
  • May live a double life.
  • Intensely aware of reputation and standing in the community. Keep high standards.
  • Possible careers: the military, photography, acting, scientific investigator.
  • Danger of hand or arm injuries or accidents involving water.
  • May suffer from heart problems, abscesses or alcoholism.
  • May have a disability or impediment of some kind.

Possible Themes
Delicate beauty; subtle perfections.
Overcoming handicaps.


A butterfly; a building with barred windows; a water pump; a mustache.

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