Monday, 4 February 2019

A year of writing prompts: February 4

How to use these prompts

Write about the people who are just taking off
or have just landed, in this balloon.


  1. In 1942, the city of Darwin in Australia announced that, due to wartime shortages, it had run out of beer. Describe a day in the life of a city that has run out of something. Doesn't have to be beer.
  2. It's Thank A Mailman Day. Write about a person whose only regular contact with the outside world is with their postman (or woman).
  3. "Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength." Betty Friedan
  4. In 2008, NASA transmitted the Beatles song, "Across the Universe" into space, towards the star Polaris. Write about some aliens who receive the signal. What do they make of it? What do they do?
  5. In 1938, the film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was first released. Write a modern day version of this story.

Character Names
Jamila, Veronica, Seth, Vera, Verena, Anselm

Character Traits
  • May be a social reformer as they are individualistic and rebellious against authority.
  • Usually respected but sometimes misunderstood.
  • Tenacious, capable of bearing afflictions bravely and without protest.
  • Sometimes need other people to keep them motivated.
  • Tendency to neglect their health.
  • Can be self-centred and get upset if they are not the centre of attention.
  • Many romances likely.
  • Often careless.
  • May be thrill seekers.
  • Trouble with the law and/or their family is possible.
  • Very knowledgable but have a tendency to disregard what other people say.
  • Can be distrustful and actively seeking out falsehoods. Danger of paranoia.
  • Could embark on a career in aviation, or security.
  • May suffer from health conditions that require a lot of rest, or which cause impotence.
  • Greed, envy and lust for power can lead to their downfall.

Possible Themes
Fortitude; strength of character.
Life and death struggles.
Faithful vigilance, guardianship, loyalty, security.
Air and gas.


guard dog; a daybed; dried herbs; a temple; a serpent baring its fangs.

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